Contribute to Art and Design

From its trademark circle of friends logo, distinct colour scheme and immediately recognizable font, Ubuntu has long had an iconic look in the open source world. Members of the community who share a passion for art and design have a number of outlets to demonstrate their abilities.

Ubuntu Design and Assets

The Ubuntu design and brand is iconic and encompasses our four core values: freedom, reliability, precision and collaboration. We encourage all to learn our design principles, contribute to our design system and discover a plethora of resources.

Discover our design philosophy and download art assets.

Community Wallpaper Competition

The amazing backgrounds in Ubuntu are products of the community. Prior to every new release, the community team hosts a wallpaper contest where artists, photographers or anyone feeling artsy can submit their works with the top vote earners getting included in the next release of Ubuntu.

Take part in the latest Ubuntu Wallpaper Competition

Flavour Art Contributions

Ubuntu Flavours often have their own distinctive style and rely on volunteers to help design their art assets. Getting involved with flavour art design is a great way to connect with the greater Ubuntu ecosystem and share your artistic skills with the entire community.

Explore the Official Ubuntu Flavours

Art and Design IRC Channels

#ubuntu-artwork IRC Channel

Art and Design Mailing Lists

Ubuntu Artwork Mailing List

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