How-to create and configure a private space

This short How-to will guide you through the creation and basic configuration of a private space on the Ubuntu Matrix homeserver. This guide assumes you are using the Element desktop client.

:information_source: A Matrix Space is technically a type of room. Reference to rooms in this how-to are intentional to stay aligned with the Element client interface.

Private space creation

  1. Click on the + Icon on the left panel, below your user avatar.
  2. Select “Private”.
  3. In the “Name” field, you type the display name of the space. This name can contain upper and lower case characters, spaces, and can be changed later.
  4. In the description field, you can add a description of this space. This field is optional and can be filled later.
  5. Select on “Create”.

Space configuration: General Settings

  1. After your space is created, click on the space name drop-down on the left side of your Element desktop client, under the search bar, and select “Settings”.
  2. In the “General” settings, you can change “Name”, “Description”, and upload an image.
  3. Once all changes are confirmed, select “Save Changes”.

Space configuration: Visibility

In the “Visibility” settings, you can:

  • Change your space from Public to Private, or Space members.
  • Enable or disable space preview. Keeping this option disabled is recommended for public spaces.

Learn more

Congratulations! Your private space is now ready! If you would like to learn more about the Ubuntu Matrix homeserver, you can check our documentation: Matrix | Ubuntu.

This page was last modified 11 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.