
200 posts from 2014

Latest from the web team — March 2014

By Inayaili de León Persson, 27 March 2014

Spring has officially (but not technically…) arrived, and we’re getting busier and busier in preparation for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS release next month. In the last...

Ubuntu Resources — beta 2!

By Inayaili de León Persson, 27 March 2014

A new version of the Ubuntu Resources site is now live, with many tweaks and layout improvements targeted mainly at visitors using medium-sized screens, such...

An Ubuntu PC for everyone in Penn Manor School District

By Canonical, 25 March 2014

Challenge With just 400 Macbooks shared among 1,725 students and ever-changing educational needs, Penn Manor school district needed more than just replacement...

Making responsive: making the rules a reality (3)

By Inayaili de León Persson, 18 March 2014

This post is part of the series ‘Making responsive‘. The rules document we drafted proved a useful and good guide for those few development days,...

Customer stories from OpenStack+VMware projects

By Canonical, 18 March 2014

Tuesday, 18th March — 15:00 GMT/10:00 EST In this webinar, Dave Russell, Head of Sales Engineering at Canonical, and Ramiro Salas, Global Technology...

Making responsive: pilot projects (4)

By Inayaili de León Persson, 18 March 2014

This post is part of the series ‘Making responsive‘. Making responsive has been an ongoing goal of ours for a while, and we’ve been...

Making responsive: setting the rules (2)

By Inayaili de León Persson, 17 March 2014

This post is part of the series ‘Making responsive‘. The front end framework that powers represents the visual evolution of the site...

Making responsive: intro (1)

By Inayaili de León Persson, 17 March 2014

We’ve known for a while it was time to convert our main site,, into a responsive site, and we’re now nearing the end of the project! The main...

Q&A on OpenStack + VMware

By Canonical, 17 March 2014

We recently held a webinar on “Architecting OpenStack in your enterprise” together with Gigaom, which produced quite a lot of buzz. Our many attendees had a...

Juju bundles and Quickstart: create a cloud environment in seconds

By Canonical, 17 March 2014

A few years ago, the cloud team at Canonical decided that the future of cloud computing lies not only in what clouds are built on, but what runs on it, and...

MWC 2014 – A strong design coherence in everything we do

By Tom Macfarlane, 13 March 2014

Last month at Mobile World Congress Ubuntu’s presence was stronger than ever. Our third year at MWC and we made some significant design changes to our stand....

New Apps header

By Canonical, 13 March 2014

The new apps header features max. 4 slots that can be arranged and combined in order to fulfil user needs in every screen. Header’s values We want to provide...