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OpenStack tutorials

Learn OpenStack through a series of tutorials

Starting with just a single machine, learn how to use OpenStack for cloud infrastructure implementation purposes, from a single-node installation to large-scale clusters.

Phase 1 - Learn OpenStack

Get started with OpenStack on a single machine and familiarise yourself with basic OpenStack concepts.


1. Install

Install OpenStack and launch your first instance


2. Components

Explore OpenStack components and set up an OpenStack client.


3. Services

Learn about OpenStack services and their functions.


4. Dashboard

Navigate through the OpenStack dashboard menu.


5. Templates

Manage instance templates, including images and flavors.


6. Identities

Use the concept of domains, roles, users and groups to manage identities.


7. Multi-tenancy

Enable multi-tenancy and manage global, and tenant resources.


8. Network

Learn how OpenStack manages various virtual network resources.


9. Instances

Launch and delete cloud instances.


10. Storage

Learn how OpenStack manages different types of storage.


11. Quotas

Limit access to resources by applying quotas.


12. Teardown

Tear down your OpenStack lab environment.

Phase 2 - Deploy OpenStack

Learn how to effectively design and deploy a highly available, production-grade cloud.


1. Design

Learn which design considerations to take into account when architecting the cloud.


2. Deploy

Install OpenStack using guided installation instructions.


3. Scale out

Scale the deployment out for full high availability.


4. Validate

Validate the deployment to make sure that nothing slips through the cracks.


5. Observability

Enable the Observability plugin for central logging, monitoring and alerting.


6. Production

Enable the Ubuntu Pro plugin for enhanced security and commercial support.

Got it working? Share the good news.

The OpenStack User Survey provides users an opportunity to influence the community and software direction. By sharing information about your configuration and requirements, the Open Infrastructure Foundation User Committee will be able to advocate on your behalf.

Fill in the survey

OpenStack cheat sheet

We created the most comprehensive OpenStack cheat sheet possible to help you work with OpenStack and its key components.

Perfect for both beginners and more advanced users.

Download the OpenStack cheat sheet

Additional resources