Quick Certifications
Specifically designed with expert input to “QC” the most relevant industry skills today
Prove your basic operational knowledge of Linux by demonstrating your ability to secure, operate and maintain basic system resources. Topics include user and group management, file and filesystem navigation, and logs and installation tasks related to system maintenance.
Secure System Access
- Create a directory and assign a group with read and write permissions.
- Determine necessary permissions for an existing user to access a file or directory.
- Configure password complexity rules.
- Demonstrate an understanding of sudo use, configuration, and restriction.
- Understand creation of user accounts with login restrictions, specific group membership, or access privileges.
- Create a private/public SSH key pair.
- Modify the group membership of a user.
Use the Filesystem
- Create, read, move, delete, copy, and convert files.
- Search the contents of a file using regular expressions.
- Modify file contents in multiple ways: appending, replacing, terminal editing, sorting, without opening the file, etc.
- Compare the contents of two files.
- Understand and navigate Linux file systems effectively.
- Understand filesystem operation and maintenance, including quotas, and disk capacity.
- Find software licence files and understand ramifications of open source and copyleft licence types.
Maintain System Resources
- Identify important log files, log monitoring and rotation basics.
- Read and interpret log data and be able to use commands like tail and grep to troubleshoot a problem.
- Understand basic usage of disk partitioning tools such as fdisk, cfdisk and similar.
- Understand basics of installing extra device drivers such as GPU and Wifi.
- Add and modify scheduled tasks in pre-defined schedules in a crontab.
Demonstrate your knowledge of Ubuntu Desktop administrative essentials. Focus on package management, system installation, data gathering, troubleshooting and interfacing with external security policies.
Be Acquainted with the Ubuntu Community and its Conventions
- Identify the year of Ubuntu’s first release.
- Understand what an LTS is and entails.
- Understand the formula behind Ubuntu’s LTS numbering.
Install and Operate Ubuntu on Your System
- Create an Ubuntu bootable USB.
- Configure and resize LVM-based filesystems.
- Install custom OEM kernels.
- Install proprietary drivers using Ubuntu specific tools.
- Upgrade the operating system from one LTS release to another.
Maintain and Optimize Your System
- Identify processes using significant system resource.
- Collect and inspect logs.
- Fix boot issues involving components such as GRUB2 and Initramfs.
- Install operating system security and bugfix updates.
Manage Packages on an Ubuntu System
- Identify and upgrade existing packages.
- Install packages from multiple sources and custom PPA repositories.
- Read package descriptions.
- Install and manage snaps.
- Demonstrate differences in the use of packages vs snaps.
- Determine whether a command is provided by a snap or a package.
Integrate with Managed Security Systems
- Demonstrate an understanding of PKI components and their roles.
- Configure and connect to an Active Directory realm.
Configure Networking Capabilities
- Configure a Wifi Network Connection.
- Interact with basic L2 and L3 network configuration.
Illustrate your knowledge of common Ubuntu Server administrative tasks and troubleshooting. Topics include job control, basic networking, services management, server security, service setup and Bash scripting.
Deploy New Systems
- Install Ubuntu Server on a new system.
- Gather data for deployment requirements.
- Establish server baseline security.
Configure the Network
- Setup a network using basic L2 and L3 networking concepts..
- Convert between TCP and UDP connections..
- Troubleshoot simple network connections.
Control and Automate Processes
- Control server services.
- List systemd units.
- Handle rogue services.
- Boot the system into single user mode.
Secure System Access
- Setup remote SSH access.
- Control user login.
- Install and configure the firewall.
- Assign user permissions to a directory using ACL attributes.
- Characterize the installation steps of a new certificate authority.
Run Application Processes
- Setup a basic web server.
- Setup a file server for NFS or Samba protocols.
- Back-up data to remote locations.
- Configure a software RAID.