
50 posts from October 2015

Nested containers in LXD

By Serge Hallyn, 30 October 2015

We’ve long considered nested containers an important use case in lxc. Lxd is no different in this regard. Lately there have been several questionsIf you are...

#InternetOfToys – let the toy battles begin

By Maarten Ectors, 30 October 2015

Wouldn’t it be great to play with toys and get paid for it? If this sounds like music to your ears, then this blog post is for you. If you are a business...

OpenStack Summit Tokyo: Day Three

By Canonical, 30 October 2015

Mark Shuttleworth talks about why we build tools like OpenStack, its new features and how it is evolving for everyone. Day three of the summit didn’t feature...

Everyone Can Have a New “Datacenter” Right Now, Even You!

By Randall Ross, 29 October 2015

A (new) datacenter? Me? Really? Why would I want that? Answer 1: Because if you’re an individual, you have problems to solve that cannot be solved by...

Now you’re charming with layers

By Cory Johns, 29 October 2015

Charming with layers is a relatively new approach to writing charms that we, as the Juju community, are begining to use. The idea is to allow better re-use of...

The Ubuntu Online Summit starts next week

By Canonical, 29 October 2015

Starting on Tuesday 3rd to Thursday 5th of November, a new edition of the Ubuntu Online Summit is taking place next week. Three days of free and live content...

Midokura Integrates its Network Virtualization Technology with Ubuntu

By Canonical, 29 October 2015

Midokura’s MidoNet Now Available to Canonical Customers Via Juju Charms Plugin, Offers Networking Overlay That Is Both Easy to Deploy and Scale Midokura, the...

OpenStack Summit Tokyo: Day Two

By Canonical, 29 October 2015

The keynote sessions that kicked off the second day of OpenStack Summit Tokyo continued the theme of containers, but got a little deeper into the business...

Vendors support Ubuntu Core as neutral platform for switches

By Canonical, 29 October 2015

Canonical accelerates disaggregation of switch hardware, operating system and network control software with snappy Ubuntu Core

Canonical Completes MSP/Cloud Verify Certification for BootStack

By Arturo Suarez, 28 October 2015

MSP/Cloud Verify Program offers vendor agnostic Certification for Cloud and Managed Services Practitioners Worldwide; Provides Quality Assurance, and Stamp of...

News from the Summit: Ubuntu extends lead in OpenStack

By Mark Baker, 28 October 2015

The OpenStack Foundation asked the community and the commuity has spoken. Ubuntu is the choice for OpenStack. The numbers don’t lie – Ubuntu leads in...

OpenStack Summit Tokyo: Day One

By Canonical, 28 October 2015

Yesterday was our first full day here at OpenStack Summit Tokyo, and the themes seemed pretty clear. Increased focus on applications and containers –...

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