
41 posts from March 2017

Mobile World Congress 2017. One for the records – bigger and better!

By Canonical, 9 March 2017

Mobile World Congress was one for the record books! For starters, we blew-out last year’s number of visitors to Canonical’s Ubuntu booth. The mixture was...

Fresh Snaps from February 2017

By Didier Roche, 9 March 2017

It’s that time of the month! Didier has put together a selection of top ten snaps written in February ranging from blockchain to graphical applications. To...

GPUs and Kubernetes for deep learning — Part 3/3: Automating Tensorflow

By Samuel Cozannet, 9 March 2017

Here we are. After having spent 21min reading how to build a GPU Kubernetes cluster on AWS, 7min on adding EFS storage, you want to get to the real thing,...

The $1M/month revenue generating fountain each smart city should have

By Maarten Ectors, 9 March 2017

What if smart cities can have fountains generating revenue instead of costing money? App Stores on Fountains, one of the many crazy ideas we demoed on MWC,...

How to become a LimeSDR innovator?

By Maarten Ectors, 8 March 2017

After an amazing week at MWC, I got people reaching out to me that want to be a LimeSDR innovator. Here is a short guide on what to do and what we are working...

GPUs and Kubernetes for deep learning — Part 2/3: Adding storage

By Samuel Cozannet, 7 March 2017

Earlier this week we built a GPU cluster and installed Kubernetes so that we can do some advanced data processing. What is the thing you need next right after...

Canonical at Google Next 2017

By Alexander Gallagher, 6 March 2017

The dramatic emergence of open source software, together with the SaaS deployment model and cloud computing, has greatly reduced software costs for...

Run your own LXD demo server

By Stéphane Graber, 6 March 2017

The LXD demo serverThe LXD demo server is the service behind use it to showcase LXD by leading visitors through an...

Cloud Chatter: February 2017

By James Donner, 3 March 2017

Our February edition is packed with great content! We kick off with explaining why software-defined everything matters and give you a recap of Mobile World...

Deploying Kubernetes on AWS, GCE and bare metal

By Jorge O. Castro, 2 March 2017

As part of of the weekly Kubernetes Community meeting Marco Ceppi deploys a fully functional Kubernetes cluster on AWS, GCE, and bare metal. If you’re...

Mobile World Congress 2017: day four recap

By Canonical, 2 March 2017

Today was the final day for Mobile World Congress 2017.  It has been a long, hectic, but exciting week. For starters, we had a record number of visitors to...

A couple of new snap tutorials are now available

By didrocks, 2 March 2017

We are really proud to announce a new couple of snaps tutorials now available on The first one is a pure community contribution...