Livepatch Security Overview

This document provides an overview of Livepatch security measures, focusing on areas related to
authentication, transmission, and cryptographic technologies.


We have multiple means of authentication, please see the following for further detail.

The general structure of this document is to first describe the different authentication flows, followed by an analysis of the various technologies.

Admin APIs

These APIs are to be consumed by an admin user via the Livepatch Admin Tool.

:information_source: Find more info on how to setup the admin-tool here.

The flow is to login via either SSO or Basic Auth to get a macaroon. Then, use the macaroon to authenticate requests.

Client APIs

These APIs are to be consumed by a Livepatch Client.
The Livepatch client is enabled with a token, and depending on the type we have two different flows.

Auth Token: This is an UUID used to authenticate and register a machine. After successful registration a machine token is issued, which is then used to authenticate following requests. This is an old-style token that is no longer used for new clients.
Resource Token: This is a macaroon that is verified against the Ubuntu Pro backend to authenticate requests. This token is passed to the Livepatch Client by the Ubuntu Pro client when enabling Pro.

Server APIs

These APIs are to be consumed by an another Livepatch Server.

Sync-token: It is an UUID generated from Admin APIs used to authenticate Livepatch Server to Livepatch Server. It is stored in Postgresql and the verification is done by comparison.



Single Sign On for users. You can find a in-depth explanation here.

Basic Auth

Basic Authentication is a simple method for HTTP authentication, relying on a username and password. It uses Base64 encoding to transmit credentials.
The authentication process involves extracting credentials from the HTTP Authorization header, decoding them, and comparing the provided password against a stored hash.
The following Go packages are used for implementing Basic Authentication:

  • encoding/base64
  • crypto/subtle


Macaroons are a tool for decentralised authentication similar to JSON Web Tokens and use a combination of HMAC for cryptographic signatures and symmetric encryption to encode
the scope (or caveats) of what a macaroon is entitled to.

These operations are performed using HMAC-SHA256 and XSalsa20-Poly1305. The following Go
packages are used by the underlying macaroon package for these operations:

  • crypto/hmac
  • crypto/sha256

Additionally, the higher-level Macaroon Bakery package
is used to interface with macaroons and introduces public key cryptography to perform similar operations
as mentioned above. This allows services to trust macaroons generated externally.

These operations are performed using Ed25519 and XSalsa20-Poly1305. The following Go packages are
used by the underlying macaroon bakery package for these operations:



UUIDv4 is a 128-bit identifier format that uses random number generation to create unique IDs. It’s represented as 32 hexadecimal digits in a 8-4-4-4-12 pattern. The algorithm generates 16 random bytes, sets specific bits to indicate version 4, and converts the result to hex.

The following Go packages are used:


TLS Communication

TLS encryption is optional between the different Livepatch Server components.

communications TLS
livepatch-server ↔ livepatch-client optional
livepatch-server ↔ livepatch-admin-tool optional
livepatch-server ↔ upstream-server optional
livepatch-server ↔ SSO server enforced
livepatch-server ↔ ua-contracts server enforced
livepatch-server ↔ Postgresql optional
livepatch-server ↔ S3 optional
livepatch-server ↔ Swift optional
livepatch-server ↔ InfluxDB disabled

It is implemented using Go’s standard library (crypto/tls and crypto/x509). The minimum supported version is TLS v1.2.

Encryption at rest

Both Postgres K8s Charm and Machine Charm do not support encryption at rest.

Machine Reports

When we send machine reports (you can find more information here) we hash the machine-id with HMAC hashing algorithm.

The following Go packages are commonly used for implementing Basic Authentication:

  • crypto/hmac

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