How to Configure Cloud-Enabled Livepatch
Cloud-Enabled livepatch is a feature that enables Livepatch to intelligently roll out patches. Below are a set of CLI commands that allow you to customise the configuration of your Livepatch client config. For more info on Cloud-Enabled Livepatch see here.
The Cloud-Enabled feature is enabled by default. To disable it, run:
$ canonical-livepatch cloud-config --disable
Successfully set cloud-config
You can re-enable the Cloud-Enabled feature via the following command:
$ canonical-livepatch cloud-config --enable
Successfully set cloud-config
Print current configuration
You can see your current Cloud-Enabled configuration, by running:
$ canonical-livepatch status --format json
"Cloud-Enabled": {
"cloud-enabled": true,
"cloud": "aws",
"region": "us-east-1",
"az": "us-east-1a"
Override/reset configuration
Users may need to override their cloud/region/AZ settings. They can do it by running such a command:
$ canonical-livepatch cloud-config --set --cloud aws --region us-east-1 --az us-east-1a
If a user wishes to reset their cloud configuration, they may run:
$ canonical-livepatch cloud-config --reset
This resets the Cloud-Enabled configuration back to the original state and clears any overridden values. Note that resetting the configuration does not disable or enable the Cloud-Enabled feature.