Adopting a secure enterprise Linux desktop

How to empower developers and data scientists and get trusted manageability for IT with Ubuntu Pro Desktop


Open source adoption in organisations is increasing. Empowering developers with the best open source platforms in a secure and compliant manner is becoming a critical component of many company strategies.

However, in an enterprise environment Windows is by far the dominant operating system and transitioning development teams to Linux within a Microsoft-based ecosystem can be daunting. The question is: how can you adopt Linux securely for development teams in your organisation without compromising on manageability and compliance? Download this guide with best practices for enterprise Linux adoption.

What’s inside?

  • An overview of the challenges to enterprise open source adoption
  • Commonly-used Linux distributions in the enterprise space
  • What makes Ubuntu Desktop the preferred choice for developers
  • How Ubuntu Pro Desktop can help IT managers address security and manageability concerns

Further reading

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