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Quick Certification Syllabus

Each of our Quick Certifications is specifically designed with expert input to QC the most relevant industry skills today


Demonstrate your knowledge of Ubuntu Desktop administrative essentials. Focus on package management, system installation, data gathering, and managing printing and displays.


Be Acquainted with the Ubuntu Community and its Conventions

  1. Identify the year of Ubuntu’s first release
  2. Understand what an LTS is and entails
  3. Understand the formula behind Ubuntu’s LTS numbering


Install and Operate Ubuntu on Your System

  1. Install Ubuntu via ISO
  2. Identify installation styles
  3. Back up data to remote locations
  4. Configure automatic upgrades
  5. Synchronise time
  6. Manage locales
  7. Work with GRUB 2
  8. Manage users, groups, and passwords


Manage Packages on an Ubuntu System

  1. Install packages, including from PPA repositories
  2. Identify the packages installed on your system
  3. Check your system for specific packages
  4. Read package descriptions
  5. Identify dependencies
  6. Download package information from all configured sources
  7. Install snaps


Gather Important System Information

  1. Display and record your current Ubuntu distribution
  2. Display and record CPU capabilities
  3. Set up remote system journaling
  4. Obtain and interpret kernel information


Manage Files and Permissions

  1. Check file permissions
  2. Grant and revoke permissions
  3. Interpret permission attribute strings
  4. Create and manage partitions
  5. Work with common file editors


Configure and Manage Displays and Other Desktop Hardware

  1. Enable and disable devices from the command line
  2. Distinguish between desktop and server environments
  3. Set a monitor’s resolution from the command line
  4. Configure multiple monitors
  5. Understand the differences between X and Wayland


Configure Networking Capabilities

  1. Configure and use SSH
  2. Copy files and directories with rsync
  3. Identify MAC addresses
  4. Set static IPs
  5. Configure DHCP