
200 posts from 2014

Showcasing Ubuntu at Mobile Asia Expo 2014

By Canonical, 4 June 2014

Shanghai’s Mobile Asia Expo kicks off this week and we’ll be there to show how Ubuntu has re-invented the way users engage with content and services. We’ll...

IBM App Throwdown – Canonical’s Juju selected as top five finalist

By John Zannos, 3 June 2014

IBM is holding a contest for developing solutions for its new Power8 server architecture.  We’re thrilled that our service orchestration tool, Juju, ported to...

Canonical announces expanded Ubuntu support for the Cavium workload

By Canonical, 3 June 2014

Optimisation for deployment and provisioning cloud based workloads at scale London and Computex TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 3, 2014 – Canonical today announced...

Deploying OpenStack all day long: The maths behind the magic.

By Canonical, 2 June 2014

Reflecting on my team’s experience at the OpenStack Summit in Atlanta, it was a lot of fun and truly inspiring. Once again Canonical’s presence at the...

Making responsive: adapting our navigation to small screens (9)

By Inayaili de León Persson, 30 May 2014

This post is part of the series ‘Making responsive‘. One of the biggest challenges when making the move to responsive was tackling the navigation...

Ubuntu’s support model fosters a strong ecosystem for OpenStack

By Canonical, 29 May 2014

Ubuntu was the first platform to embrace OpenStack, and OpenStack development largely happens on Ubuntu. As the reference platform for OpenStack, the majority...

Making responsive: making our grid responsive (8)

By Inayaili de León Persson, 29 May 2014

This post is part of the series ‘Making responsive‘. A big part of converting our existing fixed-width desktop site to be responsive was to make...

Canonical joins the Cloud Foundry Foundation

By Canonical, 29 May 2014

Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, is pleased to join the Cloud Foundry Foundation. Cloud Foundry has been a PaaS platform of choice for developers and...

Making responsive: approach to content (7)

By Inayaili de León Persson, 23 May 2014

This post is part of the series ‘Making responsive‘. If you’re transitioning a fixed-width website into a responsive one with several time and...

Latest from the web team — May 2014

By Inayaili de León Persson, 22 May 2014

We’re fast approaching the summer, and the first few sunny days have already arrived in London. The web team cannot slow its pace though… In the last few...

Ubuntu Cloud documentation – 14.04 LTS

By Canonical, 21 May 2014

This article is out of date. Please visit for up-to-date instructions on installing OpenStack. Deploying production grade OpenStack with...

Cloudbase Solutions partnership

By Dustin Kirkland, 20 May 2014

We are happy to announce a partnership with Cloudbase Solutions for bringing Windows support in Juju and MaaS. During the keynote of the OpenStack Summit in...