Desktop archives
7 posts from March 2021
Ubuntu in the wild – 30th of March 2021
By Leia Ruffini, 30 March 2021
The Ubuntu in the wild blog post ropes in the latest highlights about Ubuntu and Canonical around the world on a bi-weekly basis.
What’s in a snap?
By Igor Ljubuncic, 26 March 2021
Snaps are several things, all at once. They are confined, standalone Linux applications that bundle all their necessary dependencies, which means they do not...
How does Ubuntu 16.04 entering Extended Security Maintenance (ESM) affect snap publishers?
By Igor Ljubuncic, 23 March 2021
At the end of April, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS will reach the end of its five years of mainstream support and enter the Extended Security Maintenance (ESM) phase. If...
Flutter and Ubuntu so far
By Rhys Davies, 19 March 2021
At Flutter Engage, Ken VanDine, engineering manager for the Ubuntu desktop, made an appearance in the keynote speech to talk about Flutter on Ubuntu....
Ubuntu in the wild – 17th of March 2021
By Andreea Munteanu, 17 March 2021
The Ubuntu in the wild blog post ropes in the latest highlights about Ubuntu and Canonical around the world on a bi-weekly basis.
Code the future together using Ubuntu
By Andreea Munteanu, 5 March 2021
Where: CodeMotion 2021 – Italian edition When: March 23rd – 25th 2021 Location: virtual Italian space Get your ticket Described by the organisers as an event...
Honey, I Shrunk the Snap!
By Igor Ljubuncic, 4 March 2021
The year is 1989. I bought a computer game called F-16: Combat Pilot, a flight simulator featuring free-flight, five types of single-player missions, a full...