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Published: 24 June 2022

# Possible XSS Vulnerability in Rails::Html::SanitizerThere is a possible XSS vulnerability with certain configurations of Rails::Html::Sanitizer.This vulnerability has been assigned the CVE identifier CVE-2022-32209.Versions Affected: ALLNot affected: NONEFixed Versions: v1.4.3## ImpactA possible XSS vulnerability with certain configurations of Rails::Html::Sanitizer may allow an attacker to inject content if the application developer has overridden the sanitizer's allowed tags to allow both `select` and `style` elements.Code is only impacted if allowed tags are being overridden. This may be done via application configuration:```ruby# In config/application.rbconfig.action_view.sanitized_allowed_tags = ["select", "style"]```see it may be done with a `:tags` option to the Action View helper `sanitize`:```<%= sanitize @comment.body, tags: ["select", "style"] %>```see it may be done with Rails::Html::SafeListSanitizer directly:```ruby# class-level optionRails::Html::SafeListSanitizer.allowed_tags = ["select", "style"]```or```ruby# instance-level, tags: ["select", "style"])```All users overriding the allowed tags by any of the above mechanisms to include both "select" and "style" should either upgrade or use one of the workarounds immediately.## ReleasesThe FIXED releases are available at the normal locations.## WorkaroundsRemove either `select` or `style` from the overridden allowed tags.## CreditsThis vulnerability was responsibly reported by [windshock](



Cvss 3 Severity Score


Score breakdown


Package Release Status
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Needs triage

impish Ignored
(end of life)
jammy Needs triage

kinetic Ignored
(end of life, was needs-triage)
lunar Ignored
(end of life, was needs-triage)
mantic Not vulnerable
noble Not vulnerable
trusty Does not exist

Released (1.4.3)
xenial Needs triage


Severity score breakdown

Parameter Value
Base score 6.1
Attack vector Network
Attack complexity Low
Privileges required None
User interaction Required
Scope Changed
Confidentiality Low
Integrity impact Low
Availability impact None
Vector CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N