Cloud and server

Cognitive computing, Ubuntu and POWER8

by Ellen Arnold on 2 March 2016

Create a competitive advantage with cognitive computing, and see how IBM has brought back innovation with the OpenPOWER foundation. Last week we attended IBM...

Cloud and server

IBM LinuxONE gets its Juju

by John Dolen on 28 January 2016

This week, via press release, IBM continued its launch of the LinuxONE family of high performance Linux systems. In August, we joined IBM with their launch of...

Cloud and server

IBM and Canonical plan Ubuntu support on IBM z Systems Mainframe

by Jane Silber on 17 August 2015

  Today, at LinuxCon 2015 in Seattle, Canonical and IBM announced plans to create an Ubuntu distribution for LinuxONE and z Systems. The collaboration with...

Cloud and server

Ubuntu partner ecosystem growth continues

by John Dolen on 13 January 2015

Hear what our partners have to say. A primary reason for Ubuntu’s success is an active, and growing ecosystem of partners that work with us to build cloud...

Cloud and server

Turbo Charge Your PHP Application with TurboLAMP.

by Canonical on 21 November 2014

Are you working on Cloud, Mobile and Big Data solutions that rely on PHP? Ubuntu on POWER can help turbo charge your LAMP stack. Working closely with IBM and...

Cloud and server

Ubuntu with Redis Labs, Altera and IBM Power supply new NoSQL data store solution

by John Zannos on 10 October 2014

Big Data, scale and cloud are the big topics of technology today. Canonical with Ubuntu continues to drive innovation through commitment to openness and...

Cloud and server

Cloud Magic – See the Juju Demo on IBM POWER8

by John Dolen on 13 August 2014

IBM recently posted  “Cloud Magic! Ubuntu on IBM Power Systems with POWER8”, a video clip of the very first live demo of Ubuntu on POWER8 (with Little Endian...

Cloud and server

Ubuntu highlighted in IBM Systems Magazine

by Canonical on 4 July 2014

IBM Systems Magazine caught up with us recently, for a discussion regarding Linux on Power – today, and heading into the future. As you may have seen from...

Cloud and server

Ubuntu and POWER8: the best of both worlds

by Canonical on 13 June 2014

Last month at IBM Impact we were privileged to showcase the work we’ve been doing to bring Ubuntu to the new POWER8 platform. The wait is finally over, and...

Cloud and server

Ubuntu scale out and cloud partner ecosystem expands with IBM POWER8

by John Zannos on 28 April 2014

Public and private cloud adoption has continued to grow, and Canonical has been at the forefront, focusing on scale out and cloud architectures. We have built...


Lower the cost of your data centre with IBM and Canonical webcast

by Canonical on 8 November 2010

Please join IBM and Canonical on Tuesday, 16 November 2010 at 9:00am PDT / 12:00noon EDT / 15:00pm GMT to hear how the combination of IBM and Canonical...

Cloud and server

Canonical brings IBM DB2 software to Ubuntu on the coud

by Canonical on 21 July 2010

Virtual appliances of DB2 for Ubuntu users enable fast, easy deployment OSCON, Portland Oregon – Canonical Ltd., the company behind Ubuntu, has launched a...