Sound theme update
on 15 February 2012
Tags: Design , sound , submissions
Thank you everyone for all your effort, overall it’s an impressive set from such a short deadline!
We’ve been busy listening to all your submissions, it’s been a challenge, but the sound samples have been whittled down to a shortlist (of startup sounds only, for now) that we feel meet the pitch brief (or are close to meeting it) and we’d like to hear your opinions.
Since last time…
With a tight deadline (let’s get this in for 12.04!) we played the submissions, both startup and notification, to a select group of participants who were asked to record feedback on a structured form. Firstly we discussed the brief that was set and what we were looking to achieve; participants then rated the submissions using a simple likert scale, measuring agreement with statements such as “Does this feel like Ubuntu”.
We now need your help to decide and critique the shortlisted sounds. Remember these are not final, so we want to know which you see the most potential for developing our sound theme.
We’d like you to use this survey for submitting your opinions of the shortlisted sounds below.
The Shortlist : Startup Sound
Please use the fields provided in the form for critiquing what and where improvements could be made; e.g. change of pitch, addition of notes, audio mastering, change of instrument; we need to remember this is a starting point, so the more feedback we receive, the better informed the rebrief.
We are looking forward to working with the finalist to develop the Ubuntu soundscape from this starting point; so your feedback is important!
Please get your friends and family to have a listen and let us know what they think too – the more the merrier, we will do the same 🙂
Next steps : we hope to choose one finalist whose sound can mature through further iterations, and tune it to fit with the login experience for the 12.04 release.
Those of you who don’t see your sound up here (and remember we are keeping it anonymous so don’t tell anyone if yours is there!) thanks again for your efforts, we hope to involve everyone in the decision making process for the theme as it progresses, so there will be plenty more opportunity to have your opinion heard!
Update : Survey Full!!! Over 2000 responses – wow! New blog post to follow 🙂
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