Canonical showcasing Cloud and Desktop solutions at Dell Solutions Summit, Beijing, China


on 23 August 2013

This article is more than 11 year s old.

We’re excited to announce that Canonical is sponsoring and exhibiting at the forthcoming Dell Solutions Summit, August 27-29th, 2013 in Beijing, China.

Danica Han, our Director of Cloud Alliances for APAC, will be speaking at the summit about Canonical’s commitment to the Chinese market, how we meet the specific needs of Chinese users and how those customers can gain competitive advantage with Ubuntu Cloud and Client deployments.

This session will take place on August 28th from 1:30pm – 2:30pm in room 311B.

On our show pods, our team in China will showcase our market beating Cloud management and deployment solutions; Landscape – enabling customers to manage thousands of Ubuntu machines as easily as one and Juju – our game-changing Cloud service orchestration tool.

Additionally, we will be demonstrating UbuntuKylin, on Dell desktops, developed specifically for China and the Chinese user with the members of the CCN Joint Lab. UbuntuKylin was awarded the Number 1 China Open Source Project for 2013 at the eighth Open Source China – Open Source World Summit in Beijing and is an exciting development, bringing a world leading, open source desktop operating system enhanced specifically for China.

Interested in attending? Register here

We look forward to seeing you at the show!

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