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Published: 17 April 2024

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: drm/mediatek: Fix a null pointer crash in mtk_drm_crtc_finish_page_flip It's possible that mtk_crtc->event is NULL in mtk_drm_crtc_finish_page_flip(). pending_needs_vblank value is set by mtk_crtc->event, but in mtk_drm_crtc_atomic_flush(), it's is not guarded by the same lock in mtk_drm_finish_page_flip(), thus a race condition happens. Consider the following case: CPU1 CPU2 step 1: mtk_drm_crtc_atomic_begin() mtk_crtc->event is not null, step 1: mtk_drm_crtc_atomic_flush: mtk_drm_crtc_update_config( !!mtk_crtc->event) step 2: mtk_crtc_ddp_irq -> mtk_drm_finish_page_flip: lock mtk_crtc->event set to null, pending_needs_vblank set to false unlock pending_needs_vblank set to true, step 2: mtk_crtc_ddp_irq -> mtk_drm_finish_page_flip called again, pending_needs_vblank is still true //null pointer Instead of guarding the entire mtk_drm_crtc_atomic_flush(), it's more efficient to just check if mtk_crtc->event is null before use.




Package Release Status
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Needs triage

noble Needs triage

trusty Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

xenial Needs triage

Introduced by


Fixed by c958e86e9cc1b48cac004a6e245154dfba8e163b
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(end of kernel support)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Needs triage

noble Needs triage

trusty Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

xenial Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.3)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.3)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.15)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-6.2)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-6.2)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.4)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-6.5)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-6.5)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.3)
focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Needs triage

noble Needs triage

trusty Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

xenial Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.15)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-6.2)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-6.2)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.4)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-6.5)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-6.5)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.3)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.3)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-fde-5.15)
jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-fde-6.2)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-fde-6.2)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(replaced by linux-azure-6.5)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(replaced by linux-azure-6.5)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.3)
focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Needs triage

noble Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

xenial Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.15)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-6.2)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-6.2)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.4)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-6.5)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-6.5)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(end of kernel support)
jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-gke-5.0)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gke-5.0)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(end of kernel support)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(end of kernel support)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(end of kernel support)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(replaced by linux-hwe-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.15)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-6.2)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-6.2)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-6.5)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-6.5)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
xenial Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Ignored
(end of kernel support)
noble Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(end of kernel support)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Needs triage

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Needs triage

noble Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.2)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.2)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.5)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.5)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-nvidia-6.5)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-nvidia-6.5)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(replaced by linux-hwe-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.14)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.14)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(replaced by linux-hwe-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(replaced by linux-hwe-5.15)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-6.1)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-6.1)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.10)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.10)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-6.1)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-6.1)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-6.5)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-6.5)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Needs triage

noble Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

xenial Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.3)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.3)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.15)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.4)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Needs triage

noble Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(replaced by linux-raspi)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(replaced by linux-raspi)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.8)
jammy Ignored
(end of kernel support)
mantic Needs triage

noble Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(end of kernel support)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Needs triage

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(end of kernel support)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-starfive-6.5)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-starfive-6.5)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage