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Published: 11 March 2024

In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved: s390/vfio-ap: always filter entire AP matrix The vfio_ap_mdev_filter_matrix function is called whenever a new adapter or domain is assigned to the mdev. The purpose of the function is to update the guest's AP configuration by filtering the matrix of adapters and domains assigned to the mdev. When an adapter or domain is assigned, only the APQNs associated with the APID of the new adapter or APQI of the new domain are inspected. If an APQN does not reference a queue device bound to the vfio_ap device driver, then it's APID will be filtered from the mdev's matrix when updating the guest's AP configuration. Inspecting only the APID of the new adapter or APQI of the new domain will result in passing AP queues through to a guest that are not bound to the vfio_ap device driver under certain circumstances. Consider the following: guest's AP configuration (all also assigned to the mdev's matrix): 14.0004 14.0005 14.0006 16.0004 16.0005 16.0006 unassign domain 4 unbind queue 16.0005 assign domain 4 When domain 4 is re-assigned, since only domain 4 will be inspected, the APQNs that will be examined will be: 14.0004 16.0004 Since both of those APQNs reference queue devices that are bound to the vfio_ap device driver, nothing will get filtered from the mdev's matrix when updating the guest's AP configuration. Consequently, queue 16.0005 will get passed through despite not being bound to the driver. This violates the linux device model requirement that a guest shall only be given access to devices bound to the device driver facilitating their pass-through. To resolve this problem, every adapter and domain assigned to the mdev will be inspected when filtering the mdev's matrix.




Package Release Status
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Needs triage

noble Needs triage

trusty Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

xenial Needs triage

Introduced by


Fixed by 850fb7fa8c684a4c6bf0e4b6978f4ddcc5d43d11
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(end of kernel support)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Needs triage

noble Needs triage

trusty Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

xenial Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.3)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.3)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.15)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-6.2)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-6.2)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.4)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-6.5)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-aws-6.5)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.3)
focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Needs triage

noble Needs triage

trusty Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

xenial Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.15)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-6.2)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-6.2)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.4)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-6.5)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-6.5)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.3)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-5.3)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-fde-5.15)
jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-fde-6.2)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-azure-fde-6.2)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(replaced by linux-azure-6.5)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(replaced by linux-azure-6.5)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.3)
focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Needs triage

noble Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

xenial Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.15)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-6.2)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-6.2)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.4)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-6.5)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gcp-6.5)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(end of kernel support)
jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-gke-5.0)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-gke-5.0)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(end of kernel support)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(end of kernel support)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(end of kernel support)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(replaced by linux-hwe-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.15)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-6.2)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-6.2)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-6.5)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-6.5)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
xenial Ignored
(superseded by linux-hwe)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Ignored
(end of kernel support)
noble Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(end of kernel support)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Needs triage

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Needs triage

noble Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.2)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.2)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.5)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.5)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-nvidia-6.5)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-nvidia-6.5)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Does not exist

focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

trusty Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

xenial Does not exist

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(replaced by linux-hwe-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.14)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.14)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(replaced by linux-hwe-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(replaced by linux-hwe-5.15)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-6.1)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-6.1)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.10)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-5.10)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-6.1)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-6.1)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-6.5, was needs-triage)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oem-6.5, was needs-triage)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

Released (6.5.0-1022.23)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Needs triage

noble Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

xenial Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.3)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.3)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.15)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.15)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.4)
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.4)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-oracle-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Needs triage

noble Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
bionic Needs triage

focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(replaced by linux-raspi)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(replaced by linux-raspi)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.8)
jammy Ignored
(end of kernel support)
mantic Needs triage

noble Needs triage

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.13)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.13)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(end of kernel support)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.11)
jammy Does not exist

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-riscv-5.11)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Does not exist

mantic Needs triage

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(end of kernel support)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(end of life)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Ignored
(superseded by linux-starfive-6.5)
mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Ignored
(superseded by linux-starfive-6.5)
Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Does not exist

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage

Launchpad, Ubuntu, Debian
focal Needs triage

jammy Needs triage

mantic Does not exist

noble Does not exist

upstream Needs triage