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Pudo brings convenience and sustainability to last-mile logistics with smart lockers software

Read the case study

In the world of parcel lockers, service uptime and security are mission-critical.

In recent years, the importance of smart parcel locker usage for the delivery industry is growing and developing quickly, becoming the most valuable last-mile delivery method. Pudo structured its carrier-agnostic systems as an IoT platform to effectively manage a growing network of Automated Parcel Machines (APMs). This requires a scalable, flexible, and secure infrastructure to achieve
maximum uptime and available capacity. This led Pudo to power their APMs with Ubuntu Core.

Download this case study to learn more about:

  • Why Pudo chose Ubuntu Core as the foundation for its IoT-based APMs to maximise security and uptime.
  • How over-the-air (OTA) update deployments to APMs, eliminate the need for on-site maintenance, whilst optimised delta updates reduce bandwidth costs.
  • How Ubuntu Frame allows Pudo to easily and securely embed their application, pudoEApp, on
    Ubuntu Core.

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