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More from Canonical

Build a bare metal cloud with super fast server provisioning.

Learn about MAAS ›

Fast, dense, and secure container and VM management at any scale.

Learn about LXD ›

Design and deploy entire workloads in just a few clicks.

Learn about Juju ›

Spin up Ubuntu VMs on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Learn about Multipass ›

What is System Hardening? Essential Checklists from OS to Applications

Hardening a system aims to decrease its exposure to make it difficult to hack, and to lessen the potential collateral damage in the event of a compromise.

Imagining the future of Cybersecurity

October 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of Ubuntu. The cybersecurity landscape has significantly shifted since 2004. If you have been following the Ubuntu Security Team’s special three-part series…

6 facts for CentOS users who are holding on

Considering migrating to Ubuntu from other Linux platforms, such as CentOS? Find six useful facts to get started!