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Ubuntu Server development summary – 07 August 2018

This article is more than 5 years old.

The purpose of this communication is to provide a status update and highlights for any interesting subjects from the Ubuntu Server Team. If you would like to reach the server team, you can find us at the #ubuntu-server channel on Freenode. Alternatively, you can sign up and use the Ubuntu Server Team mailing list.


  • docs: Fix example cloud-init analyze command to match output. [Wesley Gao]
  • netplan: Correctly render macaddress on a bonds and bridges when provided. (LP: #1784699)
  • tools: Add ‘net-convert’ subcommand command to ‘cloud-init devel’.
  • redhat: remove ssh keys on new instance. (LP: #1781094)
  • Use typeset or local in profile.d scripts. (LP: #1784713)
  • OpenNebula: Fix null gateway6 [Akihiko Ota] (LP: #1768547)
  • Canonical’s Chad Smith is granted PPU rights (per package upload) into Ubuntu for cloud-init and curtin packages.

Contact the Ubuntu Server team

Bug Work and Triage

Ubuntu Server Packages

Below is a summary of uploads to the development and supported releases. Current status of the Debian to Ubuntu merges is tracked on the Merge-o-Matic page. For a full list of recent merges with change logs please see the Ubuntu Server report.

Proposed Uploads to the Supported Releases

Please consider testing the following by enabling proposed, checking packages for update regressions, and making sure to mark affected bugs verified as fixed.

Total: 4

Uploads Released to the Supported Releases

Total: 7

Uploads to the Development Release

Total: 16

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