

13.04 wallpapers submitted

by Canonical on 19 March 2013

  The community team for wallpaper selection got together last week #1304wallpaper on Freenode and between us we’ve determined that we’d like to submit the...


13.04 Shortlist in progress

by Canonical on 12 March 2013

13.04 Shortlist in progress, a gallery on Flickr. A quick update, the previous contributors and I are putting together the finishing touches to what we hope...


Raring to ringlead this cycle

by Canonical on 28 January 2013

Raring Ringtail is well under way with delicious new visual elements being dropped in all the time, and the new default wallpaper has already landed. Now it’s...


12.10 wallpaper selection finalised

by Canonical on 5 September 2012

Here they are! Our lovely wallpapers for the 12.10 release of Ubuntu. Fine plumage I think you’ll agree! As you’ll have seen elsewhere on the web these landed...


12.10 shortlist so far

by Canonical on 28 August 2012

12.10 shortlist, a gallery on Flickr. Today the group closed on submissions for the 12.10 wallpaper selection. The team of us involved are still working to...


New focus for wallpaper submissions

by Canonical on 21 August 2012

Quantal is well on the way to being the great release we’ve come to expect from Ubuntu so it’s time to add to that sheen with a set of quality wallpapers from...

Cloud and server

Ubuntu Online Tour

by Anthony Dillon on 9 August 2012

We realise that changing Operating System (OS) is a big thing for anyone thinking of testing something out. That becomes a huge barrier for people trying out...


Introducing web apps

by Canonical on 23 July 2012

As you might have heard from the blogosphere, we are going to start to ship our take on web apps. Let me take the opportunity to explain to you some of the...


Ubuntu Developer Summit: Design Theatre

by Canonical on 7 May 2012

Normally the Ubuntu/Canonical Design Team are busy working on our own projects, but it makes a really good change to work on other Free Software design...


Watch out for Ubuntu! The E-Pebble smartwatch

by Canonical on 19 April 2012

In the year 2000 IBM showed off the WatchPad, a computer on your wrist, but one perhaps ahead of its time and still needing a little bit of design-love. Of...


Berlin: Typobau: Ubuntu Arabic Ausstellung/Exhibition

by Canonical on 19 April 2012

Some of original sketches for Ubuntu Arabic are about to go on display in Berlin! We’ve talked before about the work done by Rayan Abdullah on drawing and...


System status menu refinements in Ubuntu 12.10

by Matthew Paul Thomas on 13 April 2012

For Ubuntu 12.04, we’re planning to merge the user and system menus, make major changes to the messaging menu, introduce a new sync menu, and retire the...