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Internet of Things archives

596 posts

Real-time Linux: a comprehensive guide

By Edoardo Barbieri, 28 November 2023

In the mission-critical workloads of modern enterprises, where time boundaries and determinism can make a major difference, the demand for real-time systems...

InoNet and Canonical partner for seamless Edge AI deployment

By Canonical, 13 November 2023

Transforming the landscape of edge computing and IIoT with Ubuntu Certified Hardware [Nuremberg, Germany. , 13 November 2023] — InoNet Computer GmbH, a...

Adopting open-source Industrial IoT software

By Edoardo Barbieri, 1 November 2023

The industrial automation landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by a fundamental shift in how software solutions are developed and deployed. In the past, many...

MAAS Outside the Lines

By Bill Wear, 10 October 2023

Far from the humdrum of server setups, this is about unusual deployments – Raspberry Pis, loose laptops, cheap NUCs, home appliances, and more. What the heck...

Meet Canonical at Intel® Innovation 2023

By Felicia Jia, 8 September 2023

Intel® Innovation, one of Intel®’s flagship developer events, continues to span the worlds of architecture innovation, software tools and technology &...

Reducing latency in industrial systems with Real-time Ubuntu on Intel SoCs

By Edoardo Barbieri, 1 August 2023

Delivering a comprehensive real-time solution for industrial systems requires careful work at every layer of the stack. Since standalone hardware or software...

Tuning a real-time kernel

By Edoardo Barbieri, 19 June 2023

This blog expands our  technical deep-dive into a real-time kernel.  You will need to be familiar with a real-time kernel to understand the tuning concepts in...

Technical deep-dive into a real-time kernel

By Edoardo Barbieri, 8 June 2023

Canonical announced the general availability of Ubuntu’s real-time kernel earlier this year. Since then, our community raised several questions regarding the...

Matter on Ubuntu: getting started with the standard for smart home devices

By Nathan Hart, 11 May 2023

Canonical joined the Connectivity Standards Alliance last year to lead the charge for Linux in the smart home. The Matter standard is a particular focus for...

Four Challenges for ML data pipeline

By Hugo Huang, 9 April 2023

Data pipelines are the backbone of Machine Learning projects. They are responsible for collecting, storing, and processing the data that is used to train and...

What is real-time Linux? Part III

By Edoardo Barbieri, 7 March 2023

Welcome to the final post of this three-part series on real-time Linux. As market adoption of real-time computing continues to rise, real-time in the Linux...

Meet Canonical at Embedded World 2023

By Edoardo Barbieri, 2 March 2023

Embedded World is almost here! With 930+ exhibitors, 200 nonstop hours of knowledge sharing, and an exciting programme structured along 9 tracks with 60+...