
Publication date 29 April 2011

Last updated 24 July 2024

Ubuntu priority

acl.c in Tinyproxy before 1.8.3, when an Allow configuration setting specifies a CIDR block, permits TCP connections from all IP addresses, which makes it easier for remote attackers to hide the origin of web traffic by leveraging the open HTTP proxy server.


Package Ubuntu Release Status
tinyproxy 13.10 saucy
Not affected
13.04 raring
Not affected
12.10 quantal
Not affected
12.04 LTS precise
Not affected
11.10 oneiric
Not affected
11.04 natty
Fixed 1.8.2-1squeeze1build0.11.04.1
10.10 maverick
Fixed 1.8.2-1squeeze1build0.10.10.1
10.04 LTS lucid Ignored end of life
8.04 LTS hardy Ignored end of life
6.06 LTS dapper Ignored end of life

Patch details

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