Release notes


February 24, 2025 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.32/stable

The release bundle can also be downloaded here.

What’s new


  • Support kube-control v2 schema


  • Support kube-control v2 schema


  • LP#2068524 Apply reconciler pattern to ceph-csi charm
  • Map ceph-csi to juju terraform syntax
  • Add image-registry configuration option
  • Create charm tolerations for ceph-rbd and cephfs deployments and daemonsets
  • Support alternate names for ceph-fs charm and associated storage class
  • Upgrade ceph upstream versions including 3.12 and 3.13


  • Support kube-control v2 schema


  • Add support from focal to noble
  • LP#2053031 Add tuning parameters


  • LP#2083925 Add rules to access leases for nginx ingress


  • Support kube-control v2 schema
  • Authorize the CCM to have CRD permissions
  • Map openstack-cloud-controller to juju terraform syntax


  • Map openstack-integrator to juju terraform syntax
  • lb-consumers now ignores default config lb-port if port mapping was provided

Component Versions

Charm/Addons pinned versions

Charm default versions


  • ceph-csi - LP#2098004purge any cephfs storage classes installed by ops.manifest
  • etcd - LP#2096820 Don’t push stderr through stdout when running etcdctl
  • kube-ovn - LP#2071494 Run configure hook only on leader
  • kubernetes-control-plane - LP#2044219 Untested port of cis-benchmark action to the kubernetes-control-plane
  • kubernetes-control-plane - LP#2087936 Address failing grafana-agent relation at CK boot
  • kubernetes-worker - LP#2077189 Don’t use a status context on actions
  • openstack-cloud-controller - LP#2077468 Update out of date links
  • openstack-integrator - LP#2095043 Address mishandled config of manage-security-group
  • openstack-integrator - LP#2098017 Pin pbr version so it continues to use setuptools

A full list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.32.

Notes and Known Issues

Deprecations and API changes

  • Upstream

For details of other deprecation notices and API changes for Kubernetes 1.32, please see the relevant sections of the upstream release notes.


Dec 16, 2024 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.31/stable

Notable Fixes

Kubernetes Control Plane Charm

  • LP#2091126 Return the correct internal lb response
  • LP#2078951 Updates gunicorn to 23.0.0 to remove dependency on pkg_resources
  • LP#2044219 Added CIS-benchmark action
  • LP#2032533 Mark the unit as waiting when kube-system pods aren’t ready

Kubernetes Worker Charm

  • LP#2074388 Improve reconciler handlers to prevent early reconcilation
  • LP#2044219 Port the CIS-benchmark to the ops worker charm

Kubernetes API Load Balancer

  • LP#2091120 Charm events should reconcile lb_addresses to requirers

Docker Registry Charm

  • LP#2080349 Added explicit configuration option storage-redirect-disable

Cilium Charm

  • LP#2077734 Create charm actions for listing Cilium resources
  • LP#2032533 Block when Kubelets are unfriendly hosts

Cinder CSI Charm

  • LP#2067404 Check and log all events on failed resources

Kata Containers Charm

vSphere Cloud Provider Charm

Ceph CSI Charm

  • LP#2078646 Alter the home of Ceph conf to not interfere with other applications
  • LP#2035399 Provides charm config to adjust or disable the default metrics-ports used to expose metrics from the CSI provisioners


September 04, 2024 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.31/stable

The release bundle can also be downloaded here.

What’s new


  • Updates aws-storage manifests to include versions 1.12.1 -> 1.32.0


  • Updates azure resources to include azure-disk versions 1.28.9 -> 1.30.2
  • Updates azure resources to include cloud-provider versions 1.27.14 -> 1.30.0


  • Increases charm debug logs to better isolate failures in LP#2064145


  • Improvements to logging when failing to create a cloud-based load-balancer
  • Enhances the upgrade action to avoid clearing charm status warnings


  • Updates manifests to include up to v1.30.0


  • Adds project-id to the openstack credentials handed out by this relation

Component Versions

Charm/Addons pinned versions

  • kube-ovn 1.12.6
  • calico 3.27.4
  • coredns 1.9.4
  • ingress-nginx 1.11.2
  • kube-state-metrics 2.10.1
  • kubernetes-dashboard 2.7.0

Charm default versions

  • ceph-csi (rbd) 3.9.0
  • ceph-csi (cephfs) 3.9.0
  • cinder-csi 1.27.1
  • cilium 1.12.5
  • coredns 1.11.1
  • k8s-keystone-auth 1.30.0
  • cloud-provider-vsphere 1.26
  • vsphere-csi-driver 3.0.0
  • cloud-provider-azure 1.30.0
  • azuredisk-csi-driver 1.30.2
  • cloud-provider-aws 1.26.1
  • aws-ebs-csi-driver 1.32.0
  • gcp-compute-persistent-disk-csi-driver 1.8.0
  • gcp-cloud-provider 0.27.1


A list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.31.

Notes and Known Issues

A list of known issues remaining unfixed in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.31+ck1.

Deprecations and API changes

  • Upstream

For details of other deprecation notices and API changes for Kubernetes 1.31, please see the relevant sections of the upstream release notes.

1.30+ck1 and 1.29+ck4

Jul 31, 2024 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.30/stable

Notable Fixes

Ceph-CSI Charm

  • LP#2073297 Provides charm configuration options for each of the storage-class parameters

    • cephfs-storage-class-parameters
    • ceph-xfs-storage-class-parameters
    • ceph-ext4-storage-class-parameters

    Provides a charm action which aids in remove storage-classes if they prevent the charm from creating with the existing storage-class parameters.

    • delete-storage-class


  • LP#2074016 Adds noble support for keepalived charm

Cinder CSI

  • LP#2071824 Exposes charm config to set the reclaim policy on the default storage class
  • LP#2075336 Expose a charm config to enable/disable cinder-csi as the cluster default-storage-class



Jul 11, 2024 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.30/stable

The release bundle can also be downloaded here.

What’s new

Integration gaps

  • Cloud Integrations

    • Direct integration between [aws|azure|gcp]-integrator charms and kubernetes-control-plane are back in this release for tagging machines and requesting cloud permissions for those machines.

      The recommended method for enabling native cloud features is to use the respective out-of-tree cloud provider charms. See the cloud-specific documentation for details.

  • Charm actions for some administrative tasks have been restored.

    • apply-manifest
    • namespace-create
    • namespace-delete
    • namespace-list
    • restart
    • user-create
    • user-delete
    • user-list
  • Cilium Charm

    • The charm now provide manifest deployment versions 1.13 and 1.14 which helps address sig-network tests failing in CIS compliance.


All bug fixes and other feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.30.

Notes and Known Issues


A list of known bugs scheduled to be fixed in the first maintenance release can be found on the 1.30+ck1 milestone page.

Deprecations and API changes

  • Upstream

For details of other deprecation notices and API changes for Kubernetes 1.30, please see the relevant sections of the [upstream release notes][upstream-changelog-1.30].


Jun 14, 2024 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.29/stable

The release bundle can also be downloaded here.

Notable Fixes


  • LP#2068770 Upgrade keystone-credentials relation with a warning and docs change to ldap
  • LP#2070053 Upgrade ceph-client relation with a warning and docs change to ceph


May 30, 2024 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.29/stable

The release bundle can also be downloaded here.

What’s new

Integration gaps

  • Vault storage: vault
    • The charm returns support for encryption-at-rest of the secrets in etcd which were created using a relation to vault-kv. The cluster secrets stored in etcd are encrypted and can only be unlocked by a key which is stored in Vault.
  • Kubernetes-Worker:
    • LP#2066049: The charm returns support for the ingress-proxy relation.

Notable Fixes


  • LP#2058269 Stray ”\n” characters after an upgrade to 1.29

  • LP#2067427 Improved build reliability via pinning python dependencies


  • LP#2065251 The charm waits appropriately for tokens when related with cos-agent

A list of all bug fixes and minor updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.29+ck2.

1.29+ck1 Bugfix release

April 20, 2024 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.29/stable

The release bundle can also be downloaded here.

Notable Fixes

Etcd and EasyRSA

  • LP#2061581 Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement setuptools>=64


  • LP#2049360 image corruption with docker-registry charm


  • LP#2052140 grafana agent config not rendered completely


  • LP#2053143 Tigera units do not become active after the first installation of the bundle


  • LP#2054486 ceph-csi charm does not handle ceph-fs correctly


  • LP#2054819 New alert rules shipped from k8s worker

A list of all bug fixes and minor updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.29+ck1.


February 12, 2024 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.29/stable

The release bundle can also be downloaded here.

What’s new

Charmed Operator Framework (Ops)

We’re pleased to announce the completion of the Charmed Kubernetes refactor that began last year. Core charms have moved from the reactive and pod-spec styles to the ops framework. This shift aims to enable access to common charm libraries, gain better Juju support, and provide a more consistent charming experience for community engagement.

Out of the box monitoring enhancements

The Canonical Observability Stack (COS) gathers, processes, visualises and alerts on telemetry signals generated by workloads running both within and outside of Juju. COS provides an out of the box observability suite relying on the best-in-class open-source observability tools.

This release expands our COS integration so that it includes rich monitoring for the control plane and worker node components of Charmed Kubernetes.

Ceph CSI

Ceph CSI resource management has been decoupled from the kubernetes-control-plane charm. All new deployments should leverage the ceph-csi charm for Ceph storage provisioning, including support for CephFS. See the updated documentation for details on deploying Charmed Kubernetes with Ceph support.

OpenStack integration

OpenStack capabilities (including cinder storage and cloud provider) have been decoupled from the kubernetes-control-plane charm. All new deployments should leverage the new openstack-integrator, openstack-controller-manager, and cinder-csi charms. See the updated documentation for more details.


The new nvidia-gpu-operator charm simplifies the management of NVIDIA GPU resources in a Kubernetes cluster. See the updated documentation for details on deploying Charmed Kubernetes with GPU workers.

LXD deployment

Updated recommendations for deploying Charmed Kubernetes in a LXD environment are now available. See the local install documentation for details.

Manual cloud deployment

Guidelines for deploying Charmed Kubernetes to pre-existing machines are now available. See the manual cloud documentation for details.

Container networking enhancements

Kube-OVN 1.12

Charmed Kubernetes continues its commitment to advanced container networking with support for the Kube-OVN CNI. This release includes a Kube-OVN upgrade to v1.12. You can find more information about features and fixes in the upstream release notes.

Tigera Calico Enterprise

The calico-enterprise charm debuts as a new container networking option for Charmed Kubernetes in this release. This charm brings advanced Calico networking/network policy support and is offered as an alternative to the default Calico CNI.


All bug fixes and other feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.29.

Notes and Known Issues

Integration gaps

While Charmed Kubernetes core charms have been rewritten in the ops framework, some integrations with other charms in the Juju ecosystem are not available in this release. If your deployment depends on the following, we recommend remaining on Charmed Kubernetes 1.28 until compatible support is provided in a subsequent release:

Cloud integrators

Direct integration between [aws|azure|gcp|openstack]-integrator charms and kubernetes-control-plane has been removed in this release. The recommended method for enabling native cloud features is to use the respective out-of-tree cloud provider charms. See the cloud-specific documentation for details.


A list of known bugs scheduled to be fixed in the first maintenance release can be found on the 1.29+ck1 milestone page.

Deprecations and API changes

  • Upstream

For details of other deprecation notices and API changes for Kubernetes 1.29, please see the relevant sections of the upstream release notes.

1.28+ck2 Bugfix release

November 7, 2023 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.28/stable

The release bundle can also be downloaded here.

What’s new


  • LP#2034080 Updated source repository for nvidia debs.


  • LP#2037236 1.28 charm release no longer ignores cni networking binding.

Kubernetes-Control-Plane and Kubernetes Worker

  • LP#2038970 Check the kubernetes cluster version before applying DevicePlugin feature gates.

Openstack Cloud Controller and CDK Addons

  • LP#2039886 Correctly update the kubernetes cluster-name when starting the cloud-controller-manager.

Updated Images

  • LP#2035139 Updated of various container images which address numerous CVEs in the following operators
    • coredns charm
    • ceph-csi charm
    • openstack-cloud-controller charm
    • cdk-addons

1.28+ck1 Bugfix release

September 25, 2023 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.28/stable

The release bundle can also be downloaded here.

What’s new

Cloud Integrator Charms

  • LP#2033082 Replaces deprecated yaml library method to yaml.safe_load over yaml.load
    • aws-integrator
    • gcp-integrator
    • vsphere-integrator


  • LP#2034737 LP#2034736 The charm configured Calico assign_ipv{4,6} as null instead of the actual value. Adds a call to reconfigure the cni_config when the charm configuration or the etcd config changes. Casts the value of veth_mtu to string rather than an int


  • LP#2034267 Support custom kubelet_dir over kubernetes-info interface


  • LP#2032822 Prevents attempts to deploy the charm in a machine charm (non-k8s)


Kubeapi Load Balancer

  • LP#1893681 Adds the option to handle Nginx configuration contexts via config nginx-http-config.

  • LP#1948019 Adds the option to handle Nginx configuration contexts via config nginx-events-config and nginx-main-config.

Kubernetes Control Plane

  • LP#2033682 Adds ipvs kernel modules to lxd profile (#300) Required when using kube-proxy in ipvs mode

  • LP#2034448 Updates documentation for operating CNIs like Cilium and Calico on units hosted by lxd containers

Kubernetes Worker

  • LP#2034448 Updates documentation for operating CNIs like Cilium and Calico on units hosted by lxd containers


  • LP#2031937 Updates Charmhub Documentation to a Diataxis version


August 18, 2023 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.28/stable

The release bundle can also be downloaded here.

What’s new


Update Calico to v3.25.1 Convert Calico to the ops framework


Add flannel cni-plugin 1.2.0, update to flannel 0.22.1


Update charm to apply manifests with `ops.manifest``


Add flannel cni-plugin 1.2.0, update to flanneld 0.22.1 (#89)


Update to kube-ovn 1.11.10 Resolves Error state when relating to cos-lite


Update to CNI 1.2.0


Convert to Ops Framework


Create a bundle for volcano scheduler

Component Versions

Charm(/Addons) pinned versions

  • kube-ovn 1.11.10
  • calico 3.25.1
  • ceph-csi 3.7.2 / 3.7.2
  • cinder-csi 1.27.1 / 1.26.2
  • coredns 1.10.1 / 1.9.4
  • ingress-nginx 1.6.4
  • k8s-keystone-auth 1.26.2
  • kube-state-metrics 2.0.0 / 2.8.2
  • kubernetes-dashboard 2.7.0 / 2.7.0
  • openstack-cloud-controller-manager 1.27.1 / 1.26.2

Charm default versions

  • cloud-provider-vsphere 1.26
  • vsphere-csi-driver 3.0.0
  • cloud-provider-azure 1.25.0
  • azuredisk-csi-driver 1.23.0
  • cloud-provider-aws 1.26.1
  • aws-ebs-csi-driver 1.12.0
  • gcp-compute-persistent-disk-csi-driver 1.8.0


A list of other bug fixes and minor feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.28.

  • azure-cloud-provider Apply topologySpreadConstraints to control-plane Deployments LP#2016053

  • ceph-csi Support CephFS LP#1940922 and LP#1940921

  • cilium Resolves Error state when relating to cos-lite LP#2025162

  • coredns Resolves multiple architecture deployment LP#1998607

  • etcd Redirect nagios cron output through tee LP#2021950 Provide etcd certs to prometheus reation LP#2004612

  • kubernetes-control-plane Restart kube-proxy if proxy-extra-config changes LP#2020059 Add cinder-availability-zone config LP#1972861 Update renamed metrics to fix grafana dashboard LP#1956611 Update to CNI 1.2.0

  • kubernetes-worker update clusterrole for ingress-nginx to support 1.6.4 release LP#2015761 Restart kube-proxy if proxy-extra-config changes LP#2020059

  • metallb Update charm icon LP#1926982 Add L2 Advertisements deployed via the charm LP#2030108

  • openstack-integrator Fix endpoint url regex to parse trailing slash LP#1964544

Notes and Known Issues


Deprecations and API changes

  • Upstream

For details of other deprecation notices and API changes for Kubernetes 1.28, please see the relevant sections of the upstream release notes.

1.27+ck1 Bugfix release

June 12, 2023 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.27/stable


Notable fixes in this release include:

  • Vault KV LP#1949913

    Possible collisions if two apps with same name related to vault from different models.

  • Etcd LP#2004612

    Prometheus cannot access etcd targets created by relation.

  • Ceph CSI LP#2007423

    Make hostnetworking configurable.

  • Kube-OVN LP#2017004

    Upgrade kube-ovn to v1.11.5.

  • Containerd LP#2017175

    Installation of GPU cude-drivers installs gnome-* packages which can shut the servers down on idle.

  • Kubernetes API Load Balancer LP#2017814

    nginx configuration is missing on non-leader units when VIP is set.

  • Kubernetes Control Plane LP#2020059

    Kubernetes charms don’t set ipvs mode (code and docs bug).

A list of all bug fixes and minor updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.27+ck1.


April 21, 2023 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.27/stable

The release bundle can also be downloaded here.

What’s new

Cilium CNI

We are excited to announce the inclusion of Cilium in our portfolio of Container Network Interface solutions for Charmed Kubernetes. Cilium is a powerful CNI, network security and observability solution which provides enhanced performance and improved security for containerised applications. The current version of Cilium shipped within the charm is 1.12.5. It also comes bundled with Hubble: a networking and security observability solution that offers real time insights of the network and the security state of the cluster with little performance impact.

Cloud Providers and Cloud Storage

Operator charms for external cloud providers have been expanded and now include AWS, Azure, GCP, and vSphere. Previously, cloud-specific features such as load balancing and storage were managed by Kubernetes in-tree solutions. Today, cloud provider charms offer flexible management of these features decoupled from any specific Kubernetes release.

NVIDIA Network Operator

The NVIDIA network operator charm is a new addition to the Charmed Kubernetes ecosystem. It simplifies the deployment, operation, and management of NVIDIA networking resources for Kubernetes.

Support for Juju 3.1

With this release, Charmed Kubernetes can be deployed with a juju 2.9, 3.0 or 3.1 controller. This release is intended to serve as a migration point away from juju 2.9 deployments which is why we offer a tested strategy of our charms on both 2.9 and 3.1 releases.

Technical Previews


Offered as a technical preview, the KubeVirt charm offers an opinionated deployment of KubeVirt on Charmed Kubernetes such that virtual machines can be launched within your Kubernetes cluster. Charmed Kubernetes on metal will deploy KubeVirt in such a way to use faster, native hardware virtualization, but KubeVirt also supports software emulation for cases where accelerated hardware support is not available.

Volcano Scheduler

Offered as a technical preview, the suite of Volcano charms deploys on either MicroK8s or Charmed Kubernetes, and can be used to more effectively schedule ML/AI workloads which need to ensure effective queuing of jobs requiring GPU resources. The charm ships with v1.7.0 of Volcano and will follow future upstream releases. See the Volcano documentation for more information.

Cluster API Providers

Cluster API providers for deploying Charmed Kubernetes are available as technical previews. These providers consist of the Juju Infrastructure Provider, the CharmedK8s Control Plane Provider, and the CharmedK8s Bootstrap Provider.

The infrastructure provider is responsible for Juju model management and machine deployment. The control plane provider handles control plane management, kubeconfig management, and control plane status reporting. The bootstrap provider controls what charms are deployed to the machines provisioned by the infrastructure provider.

While the user experience surrounding certain Juju-related interactions is still being improved, Charmed Kubernetes can be deployed using the familiar Cluster API workflow using the providers in their current state. For the current instructions, see the Juju cluster API provider repository.

Component Versions

Charm/Addons pinned versions

  • kube-ovn 1.10.4
  • calico 3.21.4
  • cephcsi 3.7.2
  • cinder-csi-plugin 1.26.2
  • coredns 1.9.4 / 1.10.0
  • ingress-nginx 1.6.4
  • k8s-keystone-auth 1.26.2
  • kube-state-metrics 2.8.2
  • kubernetes-dashboard 2.7.0
  • openstack-cloud-controller-manager 1.26.2

Charm default versions

  • cloud-provider-vsphere 1.26
  • vsphere-csi-driver 3.0.0
  • cloud-provider-azure 1.25.0
  • azuredisk-csi-driver 1.23.0
  • cloud-provider-aws 1.26.1
  • aws-ebs-csi-driver 1.12.0
  • gcp-compute-persistent-disk-csi-driver 1.8.0


A list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.27.

Notes and Known Issues

  • Cilium on AWS and OpenStack LP#2016905

    Deploying Cilium on AWS or OpenStack can cause inter-node communication failures due to the Fan networking that Juju enables by default in those environments. To work around this issue, set model configuration prior to deployment:

    juju model-config cluster-networking-mode=local

  • Known issues scheduled to be resolved in the first 1.27 maintenance release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.27+ck1.

Deprecations and API changes

  • Upstream

For details of other deprecation notices and API changes for Kubernetes 1.27, please see the relevant sections of the upstream release notes.

1.26+ck4 Bugfix release

June 19, 2023 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.26/stable


Two bug fixes related to the kubeapi-load-balancer charm have been backported from Charmed Kubernetes 1.27:

  • Kubernetes API Load Balancer LP#2017814

    nginx configuration is missing on non-leader units when VIP is set.

  • Kubernetes API Load Balancer LP#2017812

    ha-cluster-vip not correctly written to kubeconfig.

1.26+ck3 Bugfix release

March 20, 2023 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.26/stable


Notable fixes in this release include:

  • Kubernetes Control Plane LP#1989362

    Resolves a hook error when related to vault but the vault api endpoint is not ready

  • Kubernetes Control Plane LP#1999542

    Resolves an issue where the charm incorrectly presumes a one-time vault token has been used successfully to create a secret.

  • ETCD LP#2008267

    Resolves a race-condition which occurs when etcd sends cluster information before its api endpoint is available, causing both it and calico to stall during deployment.

  • Vsphere Cloud Provider LP#2010233

    Resolves an issue where the sync-manifest action could result in pods described with the wrong image.

  • Vsphere Cloud Provider LP#2009965

    Resolves an issue where the charm is stuck in Maintenance state after running a sync-manifest action.

1.26+ck2 Bugfix release

February 27, 2023 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.26/stable


Notable fixes in this release include:

  • Kubernetes Autoscaler LP#2007182

    Update the autoscaler image for use with newer Juju controllers.

  • Etcd LP#1997531

    Restrict non-root access to etcd snap data directory.

  • Kubernetes Control Plane LP#2007174

    Restrict non-root access to the script responsible for synchronizing control-plane leader files to followers.

  • Bundles LP#2008582

    Add missing bundle overlays for AWS/GCE cloud storage providers.

1.26+ck1 Bugfix release

January 16, 2022 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.26/stable

The release bundle can also be downloaded here.


Notable fixes in this release include:

  • Kubernetes Control Plane / Octavia LP#1990494

    Resolves an issue which made it impossible to delete a kubernetes service when octavia loadbalancers are detected

  • Kubernetes Control Plane / Octavia LP#1995746

    Adds support to disable openstack loadbalancer integration

  • Kubernetes Control Plane / Ceph LP#1998257

    Resolves an issue where the csi-rbdplugin pod cannot start if the control-plane unit is running in a LXD machine.

  • Containerd #LP2002593

    Resolves issue with flooding /var/log/syslog with messages about a deprecation of io.containerd.runc.v1

  • CoreDNS LP#2002698

    Upgrade of the coredns image from 1.6.7 to 1.10.0

  • ops.lib-manifest library LP#1999427

    Resolves an issue where a charm hook fails rather than retrying when the kubernetes-api is available.

  • SRIOV CNI/Network Device Plugin LP#2002186

    Add support for control-plane node toleration for SRIOV daemonsets


December 15, 2022 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.26/stable

The release bundle can also be downloaded here.

What’s new

  • Ubuntu 22.04 default series

Ubuntu 22.04 is now the default series for new deployments of Charmed Kubernetes.

Ubuntu 20.04 remains fully supported, but is no longer the default series.

Ubuntu 18.04 is no longer supported. For existing clusters still running Ubuntu 18.04, it is recommended to perform a series upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 before upgrading to Charmed Kubernetes 1.26.

  • Kube-OVN BGP support

The Kube-OVN charm’s new bgp-speakers config option makes it possible to peer Kubernetes nodes with external BGP routers and exchange routing information for Kube-OVN subnets. This makes it possible to access pod IPs directly from external networks.

  • Kube-OVN traffic mirroring

The new enable-global-mirror and mirror-iface config options make it possible to configure traffic mirroring for Kube-OVN. When configured, Kube-OVN will mirror pod network traffic to a network interface on each Kubernetes node, making it easier to observe pod network traffic with tools such as tcpdump.

  • MetalLB enhancements

The metallb-controller and metallb-speaker charms have been upgraded to v0.12 and can now run on amd64, arm, arm64, ppc64le, and s390x hosts.

Component Versions

Charm/Addons pinned versions

  • kube-ovn 1.10.4
  • calico 3.21.4
  • cephcsi 3.7.2
  • cinder-csi-plugin 1.25.3
  • coredns 1.9.4
  • ingress-nginx 1.2.0
  • k8s-keystone-auth 1.25.3
  • kube-state-metrics 2.6.0
  • kubernetes-dashboard 2.7.0
  • openstack-cloud-controller-manager 1.25.3

Charm default versions

  • cloud-provider-vsphere 1.24
  • vsphere-csi-driver 2.6.0
  • cloud-provider-azure 1.25.0
  • azuredisk-csi-driver 1.23.0


A list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.26.

Notes and Known Issues

A list of issues to be fixed in the first 1.26 maintenance release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.26+ck1.

  • LP1999427 Charm errors during update-status hook with 502 Gateway Error

    The charm’s status may appear like this:

      aws-k8s-storage/0*         error        idle                          hook failed: "update-status"

    When the affected charms are deployed on a cloud with a kube-api-loadbalancer, the load-balancer can respond to client requests with a 502 Gateway Error, amongst other error statuses not produced by the API server itself. The charm’s kubernetes client library raises an unhandled exception in this case. This results is the charm being in an error state which is easily resolved by running

    juju resolve <charm/unit>

Deprecations and API changes

  • Upstream

For details of other deprecation notices and API changes for Kubernetes 1.26, please see the relevant sections of the upstream release notes.

1.25+ck4 Bugfix release

June 19, 2023 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.25/stable


Two bug fixes related to the kubeapi-load-balancer charm have been backported from Charmed Kubernetes 1.27:

  • Kubernetes API Load Balancer LP#2017814

    nginx configuration is missing on non-leader units when VIP is set.

  • Kubernetes API Load Balancer LP#2017812

    ha-cluster-vip not correctly written to kubeconfig.

1.25+ck3 Bugfix release

December 1, 2022


Notable additions in this release include:

  • Kubernetes Control Plane LP#1991957

    Resolves an issue deploying the charm on Bionic, constituting the last supported release of this charm into this ubuntu series.

  • Kubernetes Control Plane LP#1994203

    Resolves an issue deploying the charm into a jammy lxd container, where a missing path definition to /etc/fstab interrupted the configure kubelet hook.

  • AwsEbs in Kubernetes-Control-Plane / Kubernetes-Worker LP#1988186

    With the pinning of CSIMigrationAWS=True in Kubernetes 1.25, the charm must not allow these to be set False. This means that in-tree storage provided by AWS is only supported in 1.25 and beyond with an out-of-tree deployment.

    aws-k8s-storage provides the out-of-tree deployment as a charm.

  • GCE in Kubernetes-Control-Plane / Kubernetes-Worker LP#1988186

    With the pinning of CSIMigrationGCE=True in Kubernetes 1.25, the charm must not allow these to be set False. This means that in-tree storage provided by GCE is only supported in 1.25 and beyond with an out-of-tree deployment.

    gcp-k8s-storage provides the out-of-tree deployment as a charm.

1.25+ck2 Bugfix release

September 30, 2022 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.25/stable

The release bundle can also be downloaded here.


Notable fixes in this release include:

  • AzureDisk in Kubernetes-Control-Plane / Kubernetes-Worker LP#1990687

    With the pinning of CSIMigrationAzureDisk=True in Kubernetes 1.25, the charm must not allow these to be set False. This means that in-tree storage provided by AzureDisk is only supported in 1.25 and beyond with an out-of-tree deployment.

  • IPv6DualStack in Kubernetes-Control-Plane / Kubernetes-Worker LP#1990455

    The feature gate IPv6DualStack=true is the default since 1.21, and GA since 1.23, so this flag was removed in 1.25 in the upstream source. As this charm release supports 1.22 through 1.25, there’s no need for this flag anymore and it is being removed.

  • GCP snap in GCP-Integrator LP#1988865

    The snap installed by the gcp-integrator charm to manage gcp resources collided with the sanp automatically installed on new installations. The gcp-integrator charm will automatically remove the old snap (google-cloud-sdk) and install the correct one (google-cloud-cli) on upgrades.

    Bug is marked resolved in 1.25+ck2, but was available in the gcp-integrator charm at time of 1.25+ck1 release.

A list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.25+ck2.

1.25+ck1 Bugfix release

September 19, 2022 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.25/stable

The release bundle can also be downloaded here.


Notable fixes in this release include:

  • Metallb-Operators LP#1988410

    With the removal of PodSecurityPolicy in Kubernetes 1.25, the metallb operators (speaker and controller) no longer include PSP-related podspec rules if the API endpoint does not support PSP. Existing PSP rules from deployments < 1.25 will be removed upon upgrade to 1.25+.

  • Kubernetes-Control-Plane / Vault relation LP#1988448

    Fixes a race condition which can occur when a Vault unit loses connectivity with a related database. Vault will now retry the connection until the database becomes available again.

  • Kubernetes-Control-Plane / Google Cloud Platform LP#1988867

    Fixes a race condition which can occur when applying configuration changes in Google Cloud Platform deployments when the NetworkUnavailable index cannot be found in a node’s status conditions.

A list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.25+ck1.


September 1, 2022 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.25/stable

The release bundle can also be downloaded here.

What’s new

  • Telco-ready CNI

Identifying a need for increasingly sophisticated SDN within Kubernetes, Charmed Kubernetes now has a Kube-OVN charm. This enables a set of new networking capabilities such as VXLAN, QoS, IP Dualstack and more.

  • High availability secret management

Furthering our commitment to resilience, we have now extended the Hashicorp Vault charm to provide HA capabilities, ensuring your secrets are always available.

  • Cloud provider integration

OpenStack, vSphere and Azure become the latest Cloud integrations to benefit from updated Charmed Kubernetes charms. With these integrations, we enable you to deploy our Kubernetes and make it your own as you leverage native features within those clouds.

  • Lightweight observability

Canonical Observability Stack (COS Lite) now integrates with our flagship networking charm Kube-OVN. This marks a commitment to providing high quality relations that enable zero-ops observability.

  • CDK-addons uplifted to operators

As an effort to keep our charms evergreen and ready for production use, we have uplifted CDK-addons to individual operators. This provides a range of benefits, from individual build processes to versioning and releasing.

  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS support

All the components of Charmed Kubernetes can now run on the newest Ubuntu release for the very latest kernel features and security enhancements.

Component Versions

Charm/Addons pinned versions

  • kube-ovn 1.10.4
  • calico 3.21.4
  • cephcsi 3.5.1
  • cinder-csi-plugin 1.23.0
  • coredns 1.9.0
  • ingress-nginx 1.2.0
  • k8s-keystone-auth 1.23.0
  • kube-state-metrics 2.4.2
  • kubernetes-dashboard 2.5.1
  • openstack-cloud-controller-manager 1.23.0

Charm default versions

  • cloud-provider-vsphere 1.24
  • vsphere-csi-driver v2.6.0
  • cloud-provider-azure v1.24.0
  • azuredisk-csi-driver v1.21.0


Notable fixes in this release include:

A full list of bug fixes and updates since Charmed Kubernetes 1.24 can be found at:

Notes and Known Issues

  • LP1988186 Storage Components on AWS and Google Cloud

    Beginning in 1.25 CSIMigrationAWS and CSIMigrationGCE have been locked to true resulting this release being unable to support storage volume mounting in AWS or Google Cloud without the use of those providers’ out-of-tree csi-drivers. No charms yet exist for these two cloud platforms but will soon be addressed.

    Do not set channel=1.25 on charm config kubernetes-control-plane and kubernetes-worker unless your cluster has taken steps to mitigate the lack of built-in storage such as:

    • Not using storage
    • Using alternative storage like ceph-csi
    • Manually configuring the out-of-tree storage provisioner
  • PodSecurityPolicy Removed PodSecurityPolicy has been removed in 1.25. Please see the PodSecurityPolicy Migration Guide if you have deployed pod security policies in your cluster. Do not set channel=1.25 on charm config kubernetes-control-plane and kubernetes-worker until your policies have been migrated.

Deprecations and API changes

  • CSIMigration The CSIMigration feature is generally available, and its feature flag was locked to enable.
  • PodSecurityPolicy The beta PodSecurityPolicy admission plugin, deprecated since 1.21, is removed. See the above section for instructions to migrate to the built-in PodSecurity admission plugin.
  • PodDisruptionBudget The policy/v1beta1 API version of PodDisruptionBudget is deprecated. Migrate manifests and API clients to use the policy/v1 API version, available since 1.21.
  • vSphere vSphere releases less than 7.0u2 are not supported for in-tree vSphere volumes as of Kubernetes 1.25. Upgrading vSphere (ESXi and vCenter) to 7.0u2 or above is advised.

For details of other deprecation notices and API changes for Kubernetes 1.25, please see the relevant sections of the upstream release notes.

1.24+ck2 Bugfix release

June 19, 2023 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.24/stable


Two bug fixes related to the kubeapi-load-balancer charm have been backported from Charmed Kubernetes 1.27:

  • Kubernetes API Load Balancer LP#2017814

    nginx configuration is missing on non-leader units when VIP is set.

  • Kubernetes API Load Balancer LP#2017812

    ha-cluster-vip not correctly written to kubeconfig.

1.24+ck1 Bugfix release

August 5, 2022 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.24/stable

The release bundle can also be downloaded here.

What’s new

  • Jammy Jellyfish (22.04) Support

All Charmed Kubernetes charms now come with the ability to run on jammy series machines. Xenial (16.04) support has been removed. Focal (20.04) remains the default series in all bundles and charms, however the charms now advertise jammy support and are considered stable for that series.

  • Improved Documentation

Vault documentation updated to cover 20.04 focal environment. Operator charms and replacements for addons now have dedicated guides. CIDR size limitations are better described in the charm’s cidr config option.

  • Containerd

Improved GPU support by referencing apt sources with https and refreshing NVIDIA repository keys. Also improved NVIDIA driver upgrades and debug messages for units that encounter connectivity failures in air-gapped or proxied environments.

Improved upgrade actions for containerd packages as well as NVIDIA packages.

  • Docker Registry

Exposes docker registry cache-* settings to configure it as a pull-through cache.

  • Etcd

Limits the set of TLS ciphers to remove weaker ones.


A list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.24+ck1.


May 6th, 2022 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.24/stable

Before upgrading, please read the upgrade notes. Specific instructions for the 1.23 => 1.24 upgrade can be found here.

What’s new

  • Transition to Charmhub

Starting with this release, charms and bundles will be published to Charmhub instead of the Charm Store.

If you have any processes that rely on pulling Charmed Kubernetes components from the Charm Store (for example, references to cs:charmed-kubernetes or cs:~containers/...), make sure you update those processes to pull from Charmhub instead.

When upgrading existing clusters, please refer to the upgrade notes for instructions on how to navigate this transition properly.

  • kubernetes-master renamed to kubernetes-control-plane

The kubernetes-master charm has been renamed to kubernetes-control-plane. See the inclusive naming page for more details about this change.

  • Kubelet added to kubernetes-control-plane

The kubernetes-control-plane charm now includes Kubelet, allowing kubernetes-control-plane units to participate as fully functioning nodes within Kubernetes clusters.

By default, the kubernetes-control-plane nodes will be configured with a taint to prevent pods from being scheduled to them. The new register-with-taints config option can be used to control this behavior at deploy time.

  • Calico is now the default CNI

The charmed-kubernetes and kubernetes-core reference bundles have been updated to use Calico for pod networking instead of Flannel. We recommend Calico as the default CNI choice for all new deployments due to the rich set of advanced networking features that it provides.

While we do recommend Calico as the default choice, we will continue to support new and existing deployments that use Flannel as well.

  • Docker support deprecated

The default container runtime in Charmed Kubernetes has been containerd for some time. The Docker container runtime is no longer supported.

Component upgrades

  • calico 3.21.4
  • cephcsi 3.5.1
  • cinder-csi-plugin 1.23.0
  • coredns 1.9.0
  • ingress-nginx 1.2.0
  • k8s-keystone-auth 1.23.0
  • kube-state-metrics 2.4.2
  • kubernetes-dashboard 2.5.1
  • openstack-cloud-controller-manager 1.23.0


A list of bug fixes and other feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page.

Notes and Known Issues

Snaps may fail to install when the kubernetes-control-plane charm is deployed to a LXD container. This happens when the version of snapd on the host does not match the version inside the container. As a workaround, ensure the same version of snapd is installed on the host and in LXD containers.

Deprecations and API changes

  • Upstream

For details of other deprecation notices and API changes for Kubernetes 1.24, please see the relevant sections of the upstream release notes.


December 15, 2021 - charmed-kubernetes-862

What’s new

  • CNI support added to kubernetes-master

The core CNI plugins have been added to kubernetes-master, and the CNI subordinate charms have been updated to render CNI configuration when attached to kubernetes-master. These changes pave the way for Kubelet to be added to kubernetes-master in a future release.

  • Grafana dashboard for etcd

The etcd charm can now be related to the Prometheus and Grafana charms. When doing so, a new Grafana dashboard will be created that makes it easier to monitor the performance characteristics of etcd.

Component upgrades

  • kube-dns 1.21.1 (note: coredns 1.8.3 is the default DNS provider)
  • metrics-server 0.5.1


A list of bug fixes and other feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page.

Notes and Known Issues

Snaps may fail to install when the kubernetes-master charm is deployed to a LXD container. This happens when the version of snapd on the host does not match the version inside the container. As a workaround, ensure the same version of snapd is installed on the host and in LXD containers.

  • LP 1936816 and LP 1913228 Filesystem Hierachy Standards

    Applications running inside a kubernetes-master should set pid files and log files in appropriate operational locations like /run/ and /var/log/kubernetes/. Care was taken to restart services using these new locations and migrate some existing files out of /root/cdk/.

    For the service cdk.master.auth-webhook the new pid file and log files are named /run/ and /var/log/kubernetes/cdk.master.auth-webhook.log to match the systemctl service name.

    If the filebeat charm is related to kubernetes-master, ensure that its logpath include this new path ( e.g. juju config filebeat logpath='/var/log/kubernetes/*.log' )

Deprecations and API changes

  • Upstream

For details of other deprecation notices and API changes for Kubernetes 1.23, please see the relevant sections of the upstream release notes.

1.22+ck2 Bugfix release

October 27, 2021 - charmed-kubernetes-814


A list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.22+ck2.

1.22+ck1 Bugfix release

October 21, 2021 - charmed-kubernetes-807

What’s new

  • Configurable default PodSecurityPolicy

A new pod-security-policy config option has been added to the kubernetes-master charm. This option allows you to override the default PodSecurityPolicy that is created by the charm.

  • Configurable Nvidia APT sources

New config options have been added to the containerd charm: nvidia_apt_key_urls, nvidia_apt_sources, and nvidia_apt_packages. These provide better support for Nvidia GPUs in air gapped deployments by allowing you to specify where the Nvidia Container Runtime and CUDA packages are pulled from.

  • Better OpenStack credential handling

The openstack-integrator charm now checks for updated cloud credentials from Juju every time its update-status hook runs, ensuring that cloud credentials are properly detected a short time after they change. To expedite this process, you can use the new openstack-integrator charm’s new refresh-credentials action to force a recheck immediately.


A list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.22+ck1.


September 1, 2021 - charmed-kubernetes-761

What’s new

  • Calico BGP Service IP Advertisement

The Calico charm now supports advertising Kubernetes service IPs using Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). More information can be found in the CNI with Calico page.

  • Improved load balancer provider support

Support for load balancing the Kubernetes control plane is being improved with two new relation endpoints: loadbalancer-external and loadbalancer-internal. This change adds support for Azure native load balancers for the Kubernetes control plane, and improves LB configurability while still simplifying the relations needed between the various components of the cluster.

Component upgrades

  • cephcsi 3.3.1 (note: see upstream notes if upgrading from a previous release)
  • kube-dns 1.17.3 (note: coredns 1.8.3 is the default DNS provider)
  • nginx-ingress 1.0.0-beta.3
  • metrics-server 0.5.0


A list of bug fixes and other feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page.

Notes and Known Issues

  • LP 1935992 Code cleanup

    Previously deprecated features have been removed in this release. This includes the following kubernetes-master features:

    • addons-registry config
    • create-rbd-pv action and related templates
    • monitoring-storage config
    • kube-dns interface
    • migrate_from_pre_snaps code

    The following deprecated kubernetes-worker features have been removed in this release:

    • allow-privileged config
    • kube-dns interface
    • registry action and related templates
    • code paths for k8s < 1.10
  • LP 1907153 Snap install failure in LXD

    Snaps may fail to install when the kubernetes-master charm is deployed to a LXD container. This happens when the version of snapd on the host does not match the version inside the container. As a workaround, ensure the same version of snapd is installed on the host and in LXD containers.

Deprecations and API changes

  • Upstream

    For details of other deprecation notices and API changes for Kubernetes 1.22, please see the relevant sections of the upstream release notes.

Previous releases

Please see this page for release notes of earlier versions.

1.21+ck3 Bugfix release

August 02, 2021 - charmed-kubernetes-733


A list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page.

1.21+ck2 Bugfix release

May 28, 2021 - charmed-kubernetes-679


A list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page.

1.21+ck1 Bugfix release

May 04, 2021 - charmed-kubernetes-655


A list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page.


April 15, 2021 - charmed-kubernetes-632

What’s new

  • Azure Arc conformance

Charmed Kubernetes is compliant with the Azure Arc Validation test suite. More information about this program can be found in the azure-arc-validation documentation.

  • Container images by release

LP 1891530 describes an upgrade failure for deployments that use a private image registry. The Charmed Kubernetes release process now publishes a list of required images per-release for administrators to easily determine what registry changes are needed prior to an upgrade.

Component upgrades

  • cloud-provider-openstack 1.20.0
  • coredns 1.8.3
  • kube-state-metrics 1.9.8
  • kubernetes-dashboard 2.2.0
  • nginx-ingress 0.44.0
  • pause 3.4.1


A list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page.

Notes and Known Issues

  • LP 1920216 MetalLB speaker pod logs error with “selfLink was empty, can’t make reference”.

Deprecations and API changes

  • Private container registry action

The registry action of the kubernetes-worker charm is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. See the Private Docker Registry documentation for using a custom registry with Charmed Kubernetes.

  • Upstream

For details of other deprecation notices and API changes for Kubernetes 1.21, please see the relevant sections of the upstream release notes

Previous releases

Please see this page for release notes of earlier versions.

1.20+ck1 Bugfix release

February 23rd, 2021 - charmed-kubernetes-596


A list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page

Notes / Known Issues

  • Secret names

LP 1906732 highlighted an issue where kubernetes-worker units would overwrite existing secrets when deployed as different application names. This lead to some worker units losing the ability to authenticate with the cluster. This has be resolved by ensuring new secrets are uniquely named in the form: auth-$username-$random.

  • Juju and GCP

LP 1761838 describes an issue with Juju and Google cloud where deployments may fail due to FAN networking. Workaround this by disabling FAN configuration for Google cloud models:

juju model-config -m <model_name> fan-config="" container-networking-method=""


December 16th, 2020 - charmed-kubernetes-559

What’s new

  • Calico VXLAN support

The Calico charm now supports enabling VXLAN encapsulation for Calico network traffic. This provides an easier alternative to the direct routing or IPIP encapsulation modes, making it possible to run Calico on any Juju cloud without special cloud configuration. For more details, see the Calico CNI documentation page.

  • CoreDNS operator charm support

The CoreDNS component can now be deployed as an operator charm inside the Kubernetes cluster instead of being managed by the cdk-addons snap. This allows for more control over the component, including additional configuration options and easier contribution of bug fixes or upgrades to that component.

Details on how to set this up can be found in the [CoreDNS section of the Addons page][coredns].

  • Kubernetes Dashboard operator charm support

The Kubernetes Dashboard component can now be deployed as an operator charm inside the Kubernetes cluster instead of being managed by the cdk-addons snap. This allows for more control over the component, including additional configuration options and easier contribution of bug fixes or upgrades to that component.

Details on how to set this up can be found in the Kubernetes Dashboard section of the Addons page.

Component upgrades


A list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at

Notes / Known Issues

Deprecations and API changes

For details of deprecation notices and API changes for Kubernetes 1.20, please see the relevant sections of the upstream release notes

1.19+ck2 Bugfix release

November 27th, 2020 - charmed-kubernetes-545


A list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at

1.19+ck1 Bugfix release

November 20th, 2020 - charmed-kubernetes-541


A list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at


September 30th, 2020 - charmed-kubernetes-519

Before upgrading, please read the upgrade notes.

What’s new

  • IPv6 support

This release of Charmed Kubernetes can now enable the alpha IPv6 dual-stack or beta IPv6-only support in Kubernetes by using IPv6 CIDRs in addition to or instead of IPv4 CIDRs in the Kubernetes Master charm’s service-cidr and the Calico charm’s cidr charm config.

More information can be found in Using IPv6 with Charmed Kubernetes, including limitations and known issues.

  • CIS benchmark compliance

Charmed Kubernetes is now compliant with the Center for Internet Security (CIS) benchmark for Kubernetes. Significant changes to the kubernetes-master and kubernetes-worker charms have been made to achieve this. Find more information about these changes, running the benchmark, and analyzing test results in the CIS compliance for Charmed Kubernetes documentation.

  • Authentication changes

File-based authentication is not compliant with the CIS benchmark. Charmed Kubernetes now deploys a webhook authentication service that compares API requests to Kubernetes secrets. If needed, any existing entries in previous authentication files (basic_auth.csv and known_tokens.csv) are migrated to secrets during the kubernetes-master charm upgrade.

More information about this new service can be found in the Authorisation and Authentication documentation.

  • New Calico configuration options

The new veth-mtu setting allows fine tuning of the MTU setting for optimum performance on the underlying network. See the Calico documentation for more details and recommendations, and the Calico charm docs for information on how to set this configuration.

Calico and related charms (Canal, Tigera Secure EE) also have a new ignore-loose-rpf configuration option. By default, for security, these charms check that the kernel has strict reverse path forwarding set (net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter set to 0 or 1). In some circumstances you may need to set this to 2, in which case you can now set ignore-loose-rpf=true to ignore the check.

  • Ubuntu 20.04

The default operating system for deployed machines is now Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal). Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) and 16.04 (Xenial) are still supported.

  • MetalLB Operator

MetalLB offers a software network load balancing implementation that allows for LoadBalancing services in Kubernetes. This bundle has been made available in the Charm Store to be deployed along Charmed Kubernetes, MicroK8s, or any Kubernetes supported by Juju. This operator deploys upstream MetalLB in layer 2 mode. The BGP mode of upstream MetalLB is not supported yet. For more information about deploying and operating MetalLB, please see the MetalLB documentation.


A new SR-IOV CNI addon has been made available for Charmed Kubernetes. Using SR-IOV CNI, it is now possible to take network interfaces that are SR-IOV Virtual Functions and attach them directly to pods. For more information, see the new SR-IOV CNI documentation.

For a full list of the changes introduced in Kubernetes 1.19, please see the upstream release notes

Component upgrades

  • addon-resizer 1.8.9
  • ceph-csi 2.1.2
  • cloud-provider-openstack 1.18.0
  • coredns 1.6.7
  • kube-state-metrics 1.9.7
  • kubernetes-dashboard 2.0.1
  • nginx-ingress 0.31.1


A list of bug fixes and other minor feature updates in this release can be found at

Notes / Known Issues

  • The insecure-bind-address and insecure-port options to kube-apiserver have been removed in this release. Using juju run with kubectl to interact with the cluster now requires an explicit --kubeconfig <file> option:

      juju run --unit kubernetes-master/0 'kubectl --kubeconfig /root/.kube/config get nodes'
      NAME              STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
      ip-172-31-10-19   Ready    <none>   71m   v1.19.0
  • The webhook authentication service included in this release runs on port 5000 of each kubernetes-master unit. Ensure this port is available prior to upgrading.

  • Additional known issues scheduled for the first 1.19 bugfix release can be found at

Deprecations and API changes

For details of deprecation notices and API changes for Kubernetes 1.19, please see the relevant sections of the upstream release notes

Previous releases

Please see this page for release notes of earlier versions.

We appreciate your feedback on the documentation. You can edit this page or file a bug here.

See the guide to contributing or discuss these docs in our public Mattermost channel.