
End-to-end (e2e) tests for Kubernetes provide a mechanism to test the behaviour of the system. This is a useful indicator that the cluster is performing properly, as well as a good validation of any code changes.

For Charmed Kubernetes, these tests are encapsulated in an additional Juju charm which can be added to your cluster. Actual testing is then run through the charm’s actions.


Your cluster will need to have at least two running worker units for the `e2e` test to run properly.

Deploying the kubernetes-e2e charm

Add the charm to your cluster:

juju deploy kubernetes-e2e --constraints mem=4G

We also need to configure the charm to select the appropriate version of tests. This relates to the installed version of Kubernetes. You can check which version your cluster is set to by running:

juju config kubernetes-control-plane channel

The output will be in the form of version.number/risk, e.g 1.24/stable. You should set the kubernetes-e2e channel to the same value.

juju config kubernetes-e2e channel=1.24/stable

Finally we relate the charm to easyrsa and kubernetes-control-plane:

juju config kubernetes-control-plane allow-privileged=true
juju integrate kubernetes-e2e easyrsa
juju integrate kubernetes-e2e kubernetes-control-plane:kube-api-endpoint
juju integrate kubernetes-e2e:kube-control kubernetes-control-plane:kube-control

It may take some moments for these relations to establish. Once the connections are made, the charm will update its status to “Ready to test.”

Running the default tests

The tests are configured as a Juju action. To run the default tests:

juju run kubernetes-e2e/0 test --background

The command will return with a number for that specific action operation.

Scheduled operation 25 with task 26
Check operation status with 'juju show-operation 25'
Check task status with 'juju show-task 26'

See the section on Test output below for details.

Running specific tests

The complete set of Kubernetes e2e tests is more fully described in the upstream Kubernetes documentation. In some cases you may wish to omit particular groups of tests. This is possible by applying a regular expression defining the tests to omit when initiating the action.

By default, the standard tests marked [Flaky] or [Serial] are skipped. To also omit the tests marked as [Slow], you could run:

juju run kubernetes-e2e/0 test skip='\[(Flaky|Slow|Serial)\]'  --background

Note that the brackets for the regex need to be escaped as shown.

Running this command will return a uuid for that specific test run, as with the default case.

Test output

You can check on the current status of the test by running:

juju show-operation 25

where 25 is the id of the scheduled operation when the test was initiated. This will return YAML output indicating the current status, which can be either running, completed or failed.

summary: test run on unit-kubernetes-e2e-0
status: running
  name: test
  parameters: {}
  enqueued: 2023-03-13 11:01:34 -0500 CDT
  started: 2023-03-13 11:01:34 -0500 CDT
    host: kubernetes-e2e/0
    status: running
      enqueued: 2023-03-13 11:01:34 -0500 CDT
      started: 2023-03-13 11:01:34 -0500 CDT

Once completed, you can see more detail on the timing by running:

juju show-operation 25

Which will return output similar to:

summary: test run on unit-kubernetes-e2e-0
status: running
  name: test
  parameters: {}
  enqueued: 2023-03-13 11:01:34 -0500 CDT
  started: 2023-03-13 11:01:34 -0500 CDT
  completed: 2023-03-13 11:10:15 -0500 CDT
    host: kubernetes-e2e/0
    status: completed
      enqueued: 2023-03-13 11:01:34 -0500 CDT
      started: 2023-03-13 11:01:34 -0500 CDT
      completed: 2023-03-13 11:10:15 -0500 CDT
      junit: /home/ubuntu/26-junit.tar.gz
      log: /home/ubuntu/26.log.tar.gz

If the tests fail, or you want to look through the detail of each test, you can examine the detailed log.

Viewing test logs

The test logfile is stored as a file on the test instance. The filename corresponds to the id of the action which created it, with a ‘.log’ extension, and it is stored in the /home/ubuntu/ directory of the machine where the tests are running. A compressed version is also stored with the extension .log.tar.gz

This log can be copied to your local machine for easier viewing:

juju scp kubernetes-e2e/0:26.log  .

Note that the captured test logfile uses ANSI output, and is best viewed with cat, tail or a similar command which can handle this type of output. Alternatively, you can strip the ANSI parts of the output:

fn=<your log file name>
echo -ne $(cat $fn | sed  's/$/\\n/' | sed 's/\x1B\[[0-9]*\w//g')

If you are running regular tests in this way, it is advisable to remove the generated logs from the test unit. The uncompressed logs in particular can be very large and quickly fill up storage.

Upgrading the e2e tests

When an update is available, the kubernetes-e2e charm can be upgraded with the command:

release=(juju status kubernetes-worker -m charmed-kubernetes --format json | jq -r '.applications["kubernetes-worker"]["charm-channel"]')
juju refresh kubernetes-e2e --channel=${release}

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