1.28 Release notes
1.28+ck2 Bugfix release
November 7, 2023 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.28/stable
The release bundle can also be downloaded here.
What’s new
- LP#2034080 Updated source repository for nvidia debs.
- LP#2037236
1.28 charm release no longer ignores
networking binding.
Kubernetes-Control-Plane and Kubernetes Worker
- LP#2038970 Check the kubernetes cluster version before applying DevicePlugin feature gates.
Openstack Cloud Controller and CDK Addons
- LP#2039886 Correctly update the kubernetes cluster-name when starting the cloud-controller-manager.
Updated Images
- LP#2035139
Updated of various container images which address numerous CVEs in the following operators
- coredns charm
- ceph-csi charm
- openstack-cloud-controller charm
- cdk-addons
1.28+ck1 Bugfix release
September 25, 2023 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.28/stable
The release bundle can also be downloaded here.
What’s new
Cloud Integrator Charms
- LP#2033082
Replaces deprecated yaml library method to
- aws-integrator
- gcp-integrator
- vsphere-integrator
- LP#2034737 LP#2034736
The charm configured Calico
as null instead of the actual value. Adds a call to reconfigure thecni_config
when the charm configuration or the etcd config changes. Casts the value of veth_mtu to string rather than an int
- LP#2034267 Support custom kubelet_dir over kubernetes-info interface
- LP#2032822 Prevents attempts to deploy the charm in a machine charm (non-k8s)
- LP#2030772 Update to kube-ovn v1.11.10
Kubeapi Load Balancer
LP#1893681 Adds the option to handle Nginx configuration contexts via config
.LP#1948019 Adds the option to handle Nginx configuration contexts via config
Kubernetes Control Plane
LP#2033682 Adds ipvs kernel modules to lxd profile (#300) Required when using kube-proxy in ipvs mode
LP#2034448 Updates documentation for operating CNIs like Cilium and Calico on units hosted by lxd containers
Kubernetes Worker
- LP#2034448 Updates documentation for operating CNIs like Cilium and Calico on units hosted by lxd containers
- LP#2031937 Updates Charmhub Documentation to a Diataxis version
August 18, 2023 - charmed-kubernetes --channel 1.28/stable
The release bundle can also be downloaded here.
What’s new
Update Calico to v3.25.1 Convert Calico to the ops framework
Add flannel cni-plugin 1.2.0, update to flannel 0.22.1
Update charm to apply manifests with `ops.manifest``
Add flannel cni-plugin 1.2.0, update to flanneld 0.22.1 (#89)
Update to kube-ovn 1.11.10 Resolves Error state when relating to cos-lite
Update to CNI 1.2.0
Convert to Ops Framework
Create a bundle for volcano scheduler
Component Versions
Charm(/Addons) pinned versions
- kube-ovn 1.11.10
- calico 3.25.1
- ceph-csi 3.7.2 / 3.7.2
- cinder-csi 1.27.1 / 1.26.2
- coredns 1.10.1 / 1.9.4
- ingress-nginx 1.6.4
- k8s-keystone-auth 1.26.2
- kube-state-metrics 2.0.0 / 2.8.2
- kubernetes-dashboard 2.7.0 / 2.7.0
- openstack-cloud-controller-manager 1.27.1 / 1.26.2
Charm default versions
- cloud-provider-vsphere 1.26
- vsphere-csi-driver 3.0.0
- cloud-provider-azure 1.25.0
- azuredisk-csi-driver 1.23.0
- cloud-provider-aws 1.26.1
- aws-ebs-csi-driver 1.12.0
- gcp-compute-persistent-disk-csi-driver 1.8.0
A list of other bug fixes and minor feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page for 1.28.
- azure-cloud-provider
to control-plane Deployments LP#2016053 - ceph-csi Support CephFS LP#1940922 and LP#1940921
- cilium Resolves Error state when relating to cos-lite LP#2025162
- coredns Resolves multiple architecture deployment LP#1998607
- etcd Redirect nagios cron output through tee LP#2021950 Provide etcd certs to prometheus reation LP#2004612
- kubernetes-control-plane Restart kube-proxy if proxy-extra-config changes LP#2020059 Add cinder-availability-zone config LP#1972861 Update renamed metrics to fix grafana dashboard LP#1956611 Update to CNI 1.2.0
- kubernetes-worker update clusterrole for ingress-nginx to support 1.6.4 release LP#2015761 Restart kube-proxy if proxy-extra-config changes LP#2020059
- metallb Update charm icon LP#1926982 Add L2 Advertisements deployed via the charm LP#2030108
- openstack-integrator Fix endpoint url regex to parse trailing slash LP#1964544
Notes and Known Issues
Deprecations and API changes
- Upstream For details of other deprecation notices and API changes for Kubernetes 1.28, please see the relevant sections of the upstream release notes.