
Secure IoT device management

Build and deploy a central IoT management solution

With IoT devices being installed everywhere from factories, to offices, vehicles, and hospitals, it’s hard to get away from the Internet of Things in the enterprise landscape. Open source operating systems and applications are making it easier than ever for businesses to develop and deploy IoT

devices, but this is giving rise to a new challenge: how can organisations efficiently monitor and maintain their IoT fleets?

Central IoT device management is essential to keeping these systems operational, and has a major impact on the ROI of IoT solution stacks – yet implementing a platform that is both secure and in-line with specific enterprise needs can be difficult. This is where Ubuntu Core and snaps come in. Built on inherently secure, containerised snaps, Ubuntu Core offers the perfect foundation for a zero-touch device management strategy.

This whitepaper describes how a simple and secure device management solution can be assembled on Ubuntu Core, including:

  • The key requirements for an IoT device management solution
  • A deep dive into each of the four open source microservices that make up Canonical’s reference architecture
  • How to deploy the solution with Kubernetes
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