
Enterprise Kubernetes: A buyer’s guide

Find the right Kubernetes for your business

Download the whitepaper

Containers and Kubernetes are currently riding the wave of hype and adoption. Businesses have started to reap the benefits of containerised applications and hybrid cloud deployments, such as faster time to market and improved economics. Nevertheless, there are still challenges for Kubernetes in the enterprise that make it hard for many companies to add it to their technology assets stack.

As the vendor landscape is ever diversifying, there are specific business requirements that dictate the decision-making process, spanning from total cost of ownership and upskilling to security, networking and storage integrations, and the peripheral tooling ecosystem.

In this white paper, we analyse the different types of Kubernetes offerings in the market based on various attributes, and map them to specific buyer profiles and business needs.

Download today to:

  • Learn the main benefits of Kubernetes, and why it has taken the containerisation space by storm.
  • Discover the most common challenges enterprises face in the Kubernetes adoption process.
  • Get a thorough comparison of the most prominent Kubernetes solutions on the market, including: Vanilla, PaaS, public cloud Kubernetes distributions, managed, and Enterprise Kubernetes platform.
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