Docker containers for IoT

What are the limitations of Docker containers for IoT and Canonicals alternative for you to securely distribute and manage applications at the edge.


Container solutions have significantly improved cloud operations and the development experience, and there is no container solution more prevalent than Docker. But is Docker a good choice for use in IoT devices?

Docker is often used to develop a proof of concept. Packaging workloads consistently across clouds and devices also has an appeal. However, IoT devices in the field are exposed to far greater threats compared to a server that’s guarded 24/7 in a data centre.

Does Docker provide the security capabilities needed for IoT operations? While it is easy to rapidly develop IoT apps as Docker containers, secure production deployments and operations are difficult.

In this whitepaper, we explore the benefits and challenges of using Docker containers for IoT projects, and introduce Snaps as an application container engineered with device security in mind to help you decide if Docker or Snaps make sense for your edge compute project.

You will find guidance on how to:

  • Securely interact with hardware from your application container.
  • Engineer workloads with long-term maintenance in mind.
  • Keep edge applications always secure and up to date.
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