Ubuntu Server LTS for
IBM Z and LinuxONE

IBM Z and LinuxONE systems leverage open technology solutions to meet the demands of the new application economy. They combine the best of open source to offer IBM’s enterprise customers unprecedented performance, flexibility, security and resiliency. Ubuntu Server LTS are released every two years in April and can now be downloaded by all IBM Z and LinuxONE system customers.

Starting with 20.04 LTS the minimal requirement is z13s/z13, respectively LinuxONE Rockhopper/Emperor. zBC12/zEC12 are only supported up to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Ubuntu Server for IBM Z and LinuxONE is priced at $19,500 per drawer per year, covering unlimited usage of Ubuntu within that drawer, Ubuntu Pro + Support (24/7) and regular security and reliability fixes from Canonical.

Your use of Ubuntu on IBM Z and LinuxONE in production constitutes acceptance of these terms.

For questions about Ubuntu Pro for IBM Z and LinuxONE, please email us at ibm@ubuntu.com.

Contact information

All information provided will be handled in accordance with the Canonical privacy policy. Your use of Ubuntu on IBM Z and LinuxONE in production constitutes acceptance of these terms.

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Installation guides

If you need some help installing Ubuntu, please check out our step-by-step guides.

Installation instructions for Ubuntu Server ›

Ubuntu Server documentation

Read the official Ubuntu Server documentation.

Ubuntu Server documentation ›