Security Team Weekly Summary: August 10, 2017


on 10 August 2017

This article is more than 7 year s old.

The Security Team weekly reports are intended to be very short summaries of the Security Team’s weekly activities.

If you would like to reach the Security Team, you can find us at the #ubuntu-hardened channel on FreeNode. Alternatively, you can mail the Ubuntu Hardened mailing list at:

During the last week, the Ubuntu Security team:

  • Triaged 242 public security vulnerability reports, retaining the 57 that applied to Ubuntu.
  • Published 13 Ubuntu Security Notices which fixed 29 security issues (CVEs) across 15 supported packages.

Ubuntu Security Notices

Bug Triage

Mainline Inclusion Requests

Updates to Community Supported Packages

  • James Lu (tacocat) provided debdiffs for xenial-zesty for gnome-exe-thumbnailer (LP: #651610)

  • Simon Quigley (tsimonq2) provided debdiffs for trusty-xenial for lxterminal (LP: #1690416)

  • Simon Quigley (tsimonq2) provided debdiffs for trusty-zesty for pcmanfm (LP: #1708542)

  • Otto Kekäläinen (otto) provided debdiffs for trusty for mariadb-5.5 (LP: #1705944)

  • Otto Kekäläinen (otto) provided debdiffs for xenial for mariadb-10.0 (LP: #1698689)

  • Otto Kekäläinen (otto) provided debdiffs for zesty for mariadb-10.1 (LP: #1698689)

  • Roger Light (ral) provided debdiffs for trusty-zesty for mosquitto (LP: #1700490)


What the Security Team is Reading This Week

Weekly Meeting

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