Operator Day returns for KubeCon NA 2021
on 13 September 2021
Tags: Cloud Native , containers , Event , Finserv , Juju , juju charms , k8s , KubeCon , kubernetes , MicroK8s

What is Operator Day?
Operators simplify everyday application management on Kubernetes. Learn how to use them, how to create them in Python, and how to evolve from configuration management to application management. We’re working to create a community-driven collection of operators for everything that’s integrated and tested everywhere.
As the community gets together to share knowledge and push forward ideas and tech around K8s, we’ve been taking the past few KubeCon events as an opportunity to host workshops, community brainstorms, and industry leader presentations through a live, interactive virtual event – Operator Day. Operator Day KubeCon NA 2021 will be the third of its kind, with its predecessors gathering thousands of attendees and multiple Canonical speakers and guests.
What’s new in Operator Day KubeCon NA 2021?
So, Operator day is back with fresh content, focusing on the various use cases of Kubernetes operators. From MLOps and Data Ops, to enterprise Observability and even vertical-specific workshops. The sessions will repeat in 2 time zone friendly blocks, for EMEA and Americas. Each block starts with a keynote introduction with Mark Shuttleworth, then leads attendees through a series of technical demos from the Canonical team, customers and partners.
At the end of each block, there will be time allocated for the community to jump onto randomised or scheduled 1-2-1 virtual meet-and-greets with each other, or host their own group chats to discuss topics they’re keen on.
Bonus feature: 5 industry thought leaders from the CNCF, AWS, Google and more, will join a one-off panel discussion on the state and future of cloud native and Kubernetes.
KubeCon NA 2021 Operator Day session times
You can join at any time, but we recommend you pick the most convenient slot and follow it from start to finish so that you make the most out of each session.
- EMEA: 13:00-17:30 BST (14:00 – 18:00 PST)
- Americas: 11:00-15:00 PST (20:00 – 00:00 CEST)
Operator Day KubeCon NA agenda
Time (PST) | Duration | Speaker | Title |
5:00 / 11:30 | 20′ | Mark Shuttleworth, David Booth | KubeCon NA 2021 Operator Day keynote with Mark Shuttleworth |
5:20 /11:50 | 45′ | Ryan Barry, Omar Amin Emam | Zero to hero: Enterprise multi-cloud application management from Day 0 to Day 2, on any substrate |
06:05 / 12:35 | 40′ | Michele Mancioppi | Working with LMA bundles: building the modern observability stack |
06:45 /13:15 | 15′ | Pete Vander Giessen | Removing Toil: Improvements in the Charmed Operator ecosystem |
07:00 / 13:30 | 30′ | Maciej Mazur | Case study: Automating MLOps with Charmed Operators |
07:30 /14:00 | 20′ | Rob Gibbon | Keep the data flowing with Model-driven Operations |
07:50 / 14:20 | 30′ | Kris Sharma | Financial Services Case Study: Charming Legend – Automating application deployment and management |
08:20 / 14:50 | 30′ | Wajeeha Hamid | Integrations and network function management in open-source telco |
08:50 / 15:20 | 30′ | Alex Chalkias | K8s is tough, right? Who’s doing it well? How are they measuring results? |
09:30 ONLY | 90′ | Mark Shuttleworth, Micahel Hausenblas, Alexis Richardson, Tim Hockin, Karthin Shanmugan, Ken Sipe | Live Panel Discussion: The future of Kubernetes and cloud native operations |
KubeCon NA 2021 Operator Day keynote with Mark Shuttleworth
Operators, Models, Kubernetes, Hybrid Clouds, massive scale and bootstrapping quickly – Kubernetes is taking the the world by storm. So what’s next? Mark Shuttleworth (one time astronaut, founder of Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu) talks with David Booth (VP Cloud Native Applications at Canonical) about the past and lays down a vision for the future.
Zero to hero: Enterprise multi-cloud application management from Day 0 to Day 2, on any substrate
Kubernetes and Operators have stormed the IT industry, but the enterprise landscape is still a mix of bare metal, virtual machines and Kubernetes, on-prem and on public clouds, all running different workloads. How can we manage the lifecycle of all those applications across all these environments, whithout having to learn new tools and frameworks as the industry is already moving to serverless? In this fast-flowing demo we will show you how the Charmed Operator Framework brings a unified approach for application management across clouds and infrastructure generations.
Working with LMA bundles: building the modern observability stack
In the Juju world, the Logging, Monitoring and Alerting (LMA) stack provides Juju-native observability capabilities for charms. We have been working on the next iteration of LMA that builds on the new capabilities of Juju, it is designed to run on Kubernetes, and leverages the declarative nature of the Juju model to its fullest. Join us to learn how to build the modern observability stack, using model-driven observability, the virtues of Juju topology, and a running commentary on writing a system of charms that work well on their own, and better together.
Removing Toil: Improvements in the Charmed Operator ecosystem
The Charmed Operator Framework is undergoing constant development. What are the key goals of the charmed operator framework? What’s happened since the last Operator Day? What’s coming up in the next few months? Join this session to learn more about Juju, Pebble, Charmcraft, Charmed Operators and more.
Case study: Automating MLOps with Charmed Operators
If you’re into automating your operations, this case study in MLOps is for you. MLOps solutions are composed of multiple technologies (open source, startups, and industry leaders). For users the biggest challenge is often integrating pieces of a software puzzle in a maintainable way. Model-driven operators promise a solution by connecting the ops of a single application with declarative integration in a standard that empowers providers.
Keep the data flowing with Model-driven Operations
In this session we’ll examine Model-driven Operations and apply it to DataOps to understand how teams can deliver more, spend more time in flow state, and just have more fun.
Financial Services Case Study: Charming Legend – Automating application deployment and management
This session explores how charmed operators help streamline the deployment and Day-2 ops of Legend platform. Goldman Sachs had open sourced its internally developed Legend data management platform into FINOS. Legend is an end-to-end data platform that handles the full data lifecycle used across pricing, risk and reporting business function for FS organisations. It allows companies to build data-driven applications and insightful business intelligence dashboards.
Integrations and network function management in open-source telco
How the OSM open source communities use Juju’s Charmed Operators and what benefits they delivered over helm charts
K8s is tough, right? Who’s doing it well? How are they measuring results?
Alex Chalkias (product manager Kubernetes) walks through some Kubernetes success stories to highlight wins, challenges, and how they got there.
Live Panel Discussion: The future of Kubernetes and cloud native operations
Industry thought leaders come together in a panel discussion covering the State of Kubernetes, the goals of real users, the challenges they face, and possible futures of cloud native technologies. Including Mark Shuttleworth (CEO Canonical), Tim Hockin (Kubernetes, Google), Alexis Richardson (CEO Weaveworks), Ken Sipe (Co-Chair Operator Framework, CNCF), Michael Hausenblas (Observability @ Amazon Web Services), and Karthikeyan Shanmugam (HCL Technologies).
Make sure to RSVP to secure your spot!
What is Kubernetes?
Designed with economics in mind, Canonical's solutions for telecommunications ensure ROI, providing first class
quality at the same time.
Save costs by operating your infrastructure and applications the smart way, ensuring full automation from day 0
to day N.
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