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4 posts from November 2020

Popular snaps per distro (2020 edition)

By Igor Ljubuncic, 13 November 2020

Back in mid-2019, we wrote a blog post detailing and comparing the most popular snaps across multiple distributions – Arch Linux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora,...

The Hunt for Rogue Time – How we investigated and solved the Chromium snap slow startup problem

By Igor Ljubuncic, 5 November 2020

In October, we shared a blog post detailing significant snap startup time improvements due to the use of a new compression algorithm. In that article, we...

Deploying Kubeflow everywhere: desktop, edge, and IoT devices

By Rui Vasconcelos, 4 November 2020

Kubeflow, the ML toolkit on K8s, now fits on your desktop and edge devices! 🚀 Data science workflows on Kubernetes Kubeflow provides the cloud-native...

Raspberry Pi 400 with Ubuntu support

By Rhys Davies, 2 November 2020

The Raspberry Pi Foundation has a new product — the Raspberry Pi 400. The flagship Raspberry Pi 4 was released in June 2019. Since, they added an 8GB model,...