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Internet of Things archives

4 posts from August 2015

Meet Mycroft: Open Source Artificial Intelligence Powered by Snappy

By Maarten Ectors, 14 August 2015

This is a guest post by the Mycroft team as part of “the startup stories”, a series of blog posts about how and why innovative companies are using Ubuntu...

The first app-enabled spider

By Maarten Ectors, 5 August 2015

If you are into robot spiders then the erle-spider is something to look forward to. It will be the first app-enabled Snappy Ubuntu Core and ROS powered robot...

Java on Snappy

By Maarten Ectors, 3 August 2015

Snapcraft is a new tool allowing developers to easily and quickly package their favourite projects as Snappy Apps or Snaps. Since lots of enterprise...