Publication date 23 November 2013
Last updated 24 July 2024
Ubuntu priority
The default configuration of IBUS 1.5.4, and possibly 1.5.2 and earlier, when IBus.InputPurpose.PASSWORD is not set and used with GNOME 3, does not obscure the entered password characters, which allows physically proximate attackers to obtain a user password by reading the lockscreen.
1.5.4 only. Specifically "1.5.2 or lower do not handle the input purpose so the typed chars are shown as the bug. 1.5.3 returns FALSE when the input purpose is password in IBus GTK+ IM modules instead of sending the key events to IBus engines so the problem does not appear. 1.5.4 adds the class method of set_content_type() in IBusEngine and IBus GTK+ IM modules send the input purpose to engines."