
Publication date 5 February 2013

Last updated 24 July 2024

Ubuntu priority

The PowerVR SGX driver in Android before 2.3.6 allows attackers to gain root privileges via an application that triggers kernel memory corruption using crafted user data to the pvrsrvkm device.

Read the notes from the security team


Package Ubuntu Release Status
linux-flo 17.04 zesty Not in release
16.10 yakkety Ignored end of life
16.04 LTS xenial Ignored abandoned
15.10 wily Ignored end of life
15.04 vivid Ignored end of life
14.10 utopic Ignored end of life
14.04 LTS trusty Ignored end of life, was needs-triage
13.10 saucy Not in release
12.10 quantal Not in release
12.04 LTS precise Not in release
10.04 LTS lucid Not in release
linux-goldfish 17.04 zesty Ignored end of life
16.10 yakkety Ignored end of life
16.04 LTS xenial Ignored abandoned
15.10 wily Ignored end of life
15.04 vivid Ignored end of life
14.10 utopic Ignored end of life
14.04 LTS trusty Ignored end of life, was needs-triage
13.10 saucy Ignored
12.10 quantal Not in release
12.04 LTS precise Not in release
10.04 LTS lucid Not in release
linux-grouper 17.04 zesty Not in release
16.10 yakkety Not in release
16.04 LTS xenial Not in release
15.10 wily Not in release
15.04 vivid Not in release
14.10 utopic Ignored end of life
14.04 LTS trusty Not in release
13.10 saucy Ignored
12.10 quantal Not in release
12.04 LTS precise Not in release
10.04 LTS lucid Not in release
linux-maguro 17.04 zesty Not in release
16.10 yakkety Not in release
16.04 LTS xenial Not in release
15.10 wily Not in release
15.04 vivid Not in release
14.10 utopic Not in release
14.04 LTS trusty Ignored end of life, was needs-triage
13.10 saucy Ignored
12.10 quantal Not in release
12.04 LTS precise Not in release
10.04 LTS lucid Not in release
linux-mako 17.04 zesty Not in release
16.10 yakkety Ignored end of life
16.04 LTS xenial Ignored abandoned
15.10 wily Ignored end of life
15.04 vivid Ignored end of life
14.10 utopic Ignored end of life
14.04 LTS trusty Ignored end of life, was needs-triage
13.10 saucy Ignored
12.10 quantal Not in release
12.04 LTS precise Not in release
10.04 LTS lucid Not in release
linux-manta 17.04 zesty Not in release
16.10 yakkety Not in release
16.04 LTS xenial Not in release
15.10 wily Ignored end of life
15.04 vivid Ignored end of life
14.10 utopic Ignored end of life
14.04 LTS trusty Ignored end of life, was needs-triage
13.10 saucy Ignored
12.10 quantal Not in release
12.04 LTS precise Not in release
10.04 LTS lucid Not in release



android kernels (goldfish, grouper, maguro, mako and manta) are not supported on the Ubuntu Touch 13.10 preview kernels