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Install Ubuntu Desktop

Follow this tutorial to install Ubuntu Desktop on your laptop or PC.

You can also run Ubuntu from a USB to try it without installing.

How to run Ubuntu Desktop on a virtual machine using VirtualBox

Run Ubuntu Desktop using VirtualBox. A quick start guide that will work across any operating system.

Install Ubuntu Desktop on Raspberry Pi

Use the Raspberry Pi Imager or install Ubuntu manually. Ubuntu LTS releases are certified on select Raspberry Pi hardware.

Secure enterprise management
with Ubuntu Pro Desktop

Ubuntu Pro Desktop is a comprehensive subscription delivering enterprise-grade security, management tooling, and extended support for developers and organisations. Ubuntu Pro Desktop is free for personal use on up to five machines.

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More from Canonical

Use the Ubuntu terminal and run Linux applications on Windows.

Learn about Ubuntu on WSL ›

Use your Raspberry Pi as a desktop, server or IoT device with Ubuntu.

Learn about Ubuntu for Raspberry Pi ›

Spin up Ubuntu VMs on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Learn about Multipass ›

Fast, dense, and secure container and VM management at any scale.

Learn about LXD ›

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