Network firewall

Publicly accessible URIs

For security reasons, it’s important to restrict access from the public internet. If you have a self-hosted Landscape deployment with clients outside your local network, it’s strongly advised you restrict network access to your Landscape server.

You should only permit access to the following URIs:

  • /ping
  • /message-system
  • /repository
  • /attachments
  • /hash-id-databases

The URIs listed follow your Landscape FQDN. For example,

The paths /repository, /attachments and /hash-id-databases contain several subpaths. Depending on your specific purpose, you can choose to restrict access to one or more of these subpaths. For example, in single-tenant architectures, access to the path /repository can be limited exclusively to /repository/standalone/*.

This page was last modified 9 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.