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7 November 2019

Canonical collaborates with NVIDIA to accelerate enterprise AI adoption in multi-cloud environments and at the edge

AI Article

Enterprises currently face the challenge of how to adopt and integrate AI and ML into their operations effectively, at scale and with minimum complexity. In tandem, today’s AI workloads have become increasingly advanced and the compute power required to support them has exponentially increased.  Canonical and NVIDIA have collaborated to h ...

Galem KAYO
28 October 2019

Learn about our differentiated approach to IoT digital transformation at IoTSWC.

Canonical announcements Article

Canonical will be present at the 2019 IoT Solutions World Congress (IOTSWC) in Barcelona from Tuesday 29th October at booth 224 in hall 2.  We are convening to the flagship IoT event, alongside more than 350 leading suppliers of IoT, artificial intelligence and blockchain solutions. Businesses attending IOTSWC are investing to transform t ...

17 October 2019

Ubuntu 19.10 delivers Kubernetes at the edge, multi-cloud infrastructure economics and an integrated AI/ML developer experience

AI Article

17th October 2019: Canonical today announced the release of Ubuntu 19.10 with a focus on accelerating developer productivity in AI/ML, new edge capabilities for MicroK8s and delivering the fastest GNOME desktop performance.  “In the fifteen years since the first Ubuntu release, we have seen Ubuntu evolve from the desktop to become the pla ...

Tytus Kurek
14 August 2019

OpenStack Charms 19.07 – Percona Cluster Cold Start, DVR SNAT and more

Canonical announcements Article

Canonical is proud to announce the availability of OpenStack Charms 19.07. This new release introduces a range of exciting features and several improvements which enhance Charmed OpenStack across various areas. Let’s talk about a few notable ones. Percona cluster cold start The percona-cluster charm now contains a new logic and actions to ...

24 June 2019

Statement on 32-bit i386 packages for Ubuntu 19.10 and 20.04 LTS

Canonical announcements Article

Thanks to the huge amount of feedback this weekend from gamers, Ubuntu Studio, and the WINE community, we will change our plan and build selected 32-bit i386 packages for Ubuntu 19.10 and 20.04 LTS. We will put in place a community process to determine which 32-bit packages are needed to support legacy software, and can ...