Ubuntu Forums

Please note this page is mostly of historical value. Ubuntu Forums migrated to this site awhile ago now, so you’re already on the correct site.

  • If you’d like to seek support at Ubuntu Forums new home, then start here.
  • or you can still visit the historical and read only site at https://ubuntuforums.org/
  • if you’d like to learn more about what Ubuntu Forums was, read below

Ubuntu Forums

The Ubuntu Forums represent many people’s first meeting with Ubuntu. They were an important resource for support and social interactions. The forums were started as an independent project in 2004 and their rapid success was officially recognized when they were designated as the Official Ubuntu Forums.

Get started

  • The easiest way you could get started is by asking and answering questions.
  • After you’d have 10 support posts, you will have the ability to customize your forum profile. More information can be found here.
  • Here’s a list of unanswered questions you could have helped with: Unanswered questions


Getting help

  • When you were writing your threads – make sure to include as much pertinent information as possible.
  • The forum was more suited to working through complex issues, we have the time to follow you – even when your issue turns out to be different than you imagined. Not all issues could be solved with a stock answer.
  • To get help now [2025], visit Welcome To Support And Help

Find help


A post was split to a new topic: Forums support

6 posts were split to a new topic: Confused where to post my questions

2 posts were split to a new topic: Problem with support links

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Problem with support links

A post was split to a new topic: Support Request

A post was merged into an existing topic: Unable to login to laptop

A post was merged into an existing topic: Unable to login to laptop

With the Ubuntu Forums having transitioned to this Discourse, this should probably be removed.

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Maybe a simple "The Ubuntu Forums were… " past-looking statement, rather than removal?

Perhaps something for Ubuntu Forums refugees, so they feel at home, signposting the best places to get started here?

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I liked that idea.

Very quickly; I’ve edited it & added a header which highlights this is mostly of historical value… with links that hopefully are useful for users in 2025.

I also changed some of the text to past tense, adding again links to Welcome To Support And Help (at least three were used) so hopefully any users seeking help won’t miss where to get support now.

It was done quickly; but hopefully resolves issue somewhat, and doesn’t take away from Ubuntu’s historical past. :slight_smile: Feel free to adjust/change as required